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Ebony Davis

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Member Rank: #650

Posts By Ebony Davis

What Is Implicit Bias Training?

What is Implicit Bias? Implicit bias, often described as unconscious bias, refers to the subconscious attitudes, stereotypes, or beliefs that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions toward a specific social group. Bias is rooted in societal and cultural conditioning, and formed through experiences, exposure to media, upbringing, and societal norms. Biases operate involuntarily and without our awareness, shaping our perceptions and judgments, which leads to unintended discrimination...

Why Do Change Agents Need a Community?

Why Do Change Agents Need a Community? Many people in our country experience unfair outcomes as a result of systemic setbacks and discrimination. Race, ethnicity, immigration status, disabilities, gender identity, sexual orientation, and poverty all contribute to shaping the environment we live in and people’s preconceived notions of us. Because of this, many of us who have faced or survived these disparities seek to change them – by giving back to our community. Change Agents actively work...

Preventing Staff Burn Out

IDENTIFYING THE WARNING SIGNS OF BURNOUT IN YOUR EMPLOYEES Burnout has become a major issue for both employees and organizations in the corporate world of today. Burnout can occur for a variety of reasons, including an unbalanced work-life balance, high expectations at work, unhealthy workplace interactions, working in an emotionally draining field, or just feeling out of control (Lam et al., 2022). 75% of employees have experienced burnout (Lam et al., 2022). The recent stress brought on by...


Being devastated by the loss of a loved one to suicide can leave you with crippling emotions of remorse and shame. When you are a member of the Black community, which frequently has particular difficulties and stigmas related to mental health and suicide, these emotions can become even more complicated. According to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in November 2021, the suicide rate in the United States as a whole dropped by 3% in 2020, but has risen...

The Anti-Racist Social Worker

The Anti-Racist Social Worker

Help Your Organization Make Trauma-Informed Decisions

Many may think that self-awareness can only occur at the individual level. However, for companies to be successful, they must have self-awareness throughout the individual and the organizational levels. As you read through this article, thinkabout how you can apply these concepts to your business as well as your personal life. Remember, self-awareness is a journey that starts with yourself. For corporations to truly embrace diversity and inclusion, they must examine their mission, values,and...

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