Communities Gabrielle Breven Belongs To
PublicActive37 Members
The Fairfax County Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency effort to implement and support Trauma-Informed Care initiatives across the Health, Housing, Education and Human Services System. The Fairfax TICN is one of 19 such networks across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
PublicActive3,058 Members
We share ideas, information and stories about mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in the K-12 environment.
PublicActive87 Members
This group explores issues related to adversity, trauma and resilience in the District of Columbia and surrounding areas. We are advocates, trauma survivors, concerned community members, and professionals who share information and develop practical solutions, to support the Washington, DC metro area to become trauma-informed, address sources of adversity, and promote health and resilience.