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Greg Bourne

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Points: 172
Member Rank: #1,665

Posts By Greg Bourne

Living in Tumultuous Times: Responding to the "Hidden" Public Health Crisis in the U.S.

Living in Tumultuous Times: Responding to the “Hidden” Public Health Crisis in the U.S. We live in tumultuous times. Although our minds might immediately takes us to issues with North Korea, or ISIS, or the dysfunction in Washington D.C., these are not the primary focus of this article. Washington’s dysfunction over the past couple decades is a contributing factor, yet the dynamics discussed here go far beyond our nation’s capital. With the ongoing focus on the Affordable Care Act, health...

"Real Men" Embrace Resilience: A Message to My Grandson

My work as a mediator allows me to peer into all kinds of conflict. Now working to strengthen families and create safe, nurturing environments for children, I am struck by the need to challenge my gender to be “real men.” The reality is that we men are the primary perpetrators of abuse and violence, and related disruption in families. So it is up to us to take responsibility for our own actions and to encourage those of our gender who – having been taught, or raised without guidance, or out...

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