Trauma-informed decision making image
Hi. Please feel free to use and share.
Hi. Please feel free to use and share.
Hi. Link is to "Possible and post deportation resources for caregivers and others". I'll probably keep working on it, but if it'll help, use and share as is.
Embark on your winter with training this December! (Whether your northern hemisphere winter is meteorological or astronomical.) To register: Example General handout: Example Ethics handout:
Hi. Sharing opportunities for "The mental health field and insidious trauma" trainings. To register: Example General handout: Example Ethics handout: Like Comment Share
I’m happy to share my new: TIDAL facilitation lens Synopsis of the TIDAL facilitation lens Overview: To facilitate, loosely, is to bring something about, and do so as smoothly and effectively as possible. And whatever I’m doing, from beginning to end, I want to have a TIDAL facilitation lens: Trauma-informed Insidious trauma sources Diversity – Individuality Accessibility Life Things I might facilitate: Trainings, presentations, meetings, moderating, consulting, so on. What I want to keep in...
Hi. Sharing my recent 20 minute A three-step skill set for self-care ( ) Description: This video provides an overview of a three-step skill set for self-care, of one’s body, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. And then, there is an additional segment with some possible approaches for thoughts, mindfulness, grounding, and resetting/relaxing. Purpose: Done to support the California Child Care Resource and Referral Network’s annual Trauma Informed Care conference...
Hi. Since this is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, I'm re-sharing the attached document. It's also time to do an update to this packet, and if you have anything to add to it, please let me know. #DDawareness2024 #DDAM2024 #DevelopmentalDisabilities #BeyondTheConversation
International Women’s Day, is a day to both celebrate and advocate. As part of advocating, I’m resharing this 32min “An introduction to insidious trauma” video, I did for a Dr. King event. Also, for those who don’t normally read YouTube descriptions - there are links to the handout and more there. Video description: Insidious trauma is the daily incidents of marginalization, objectification, dehumanization, intimidation, et cetera that are...
Hey All :-) Since we know how sincere compliments can benefit, thought I'd share the pngs I made for today in case you might be able to use them.
Hi, I just did a 32min Introduction to Insidious Trauma video, as part of an annual “Manifesting the Dream” MLK Day of Service and 40 Days of Peace event, and thought you might want to check it out. An introduction to insidious trauma - YouTube Video description: Insidious trauma is the daily incidents of marginalization, objectification, dehumanization, intimidation, et cetera that are experienced by members of groups targeted by racism, heterosexism, ageism, ableism, sexism, and other...
Attached is the updated: Mental Health, Trauma, and Disability – Children/Youth: Three documents to supports a child or youth with a developmental delay or/and a disability who has experienced trauma. These documents are for caregivers, mental health providers, and others.
Hi All, Want to share the recently updated "Informing A Provider: Some available information and tools for Mental Health providers, for a child or youth with a developmental delay or/and a disability who has experienced trauma." For those of you unfamiliar with the document: If we look at what trauma treatment is available for individuals with a developmental delay or/and a disability, some of the gaps we see are: For mental health providers: May not be aware of what information and tools...
Hi. This is the link to the updated PDF for “Help lines and other info 06.03.23”. It has national hotlines and their websites; a place to put local info; and some possibly helpful apps and techniques. For both the PDF, and the correlative “If you need help” sections on the website: info is up-to-date; did edits; added a bit; and worked on accessibility. Link to PDF: Help lines and other info 06.03.23, PDF You can also go directly to the Connect All website. All the information is in the “If...
Hi. Honestly, this is one of the worst videos I've done. However, every moment of life matters, and so if it's just one of those days and you only have X amount of time, you do what you can and move on; and it should still be of benefit. Video description: Briefly, how Connect All works with being prepared and some of the free available materials. Link:
Hi. Did a video today about some of what I've been working on. Not great, it was a day, but hope it still helps. "This video covers three free documents for supporting children with developmental delays or/and disabilities who have experienced trauma. The documents are beneficial to caregivers, mental health providers, and others. Current versions of the documents are linked." com/watch?v=w3fowprOelA
Hi. I did a post on 8.21.22 with the original document. Since then: - I did some editing, added the DM-ID-2, and significantly increased DC:0-5 version 2. - There are 2 layouts. An 11x17, because I think that is the biggest paper a lot of offices have to print on; and a 24x18 since it's a better layout if you are just opening the pdf, or could print the larger size. The purposes of the document: - Quick reference for those already familiar with full works. - To use for training, by those...
Hi. While I’ve shared these before, this post has an updated version of Informing a Provider, and both documents in Spanish. For those unfamiliar with these documents, here is a bit about them: “For a child/youth with developmental delay or/and disability who has experienced trauma. Some available information and tools for Mental Health providers,” was drafted with a dual purpose: To be made available to mental health providers as a stand-alone document. For caregivers and others to use, in...
Hi. The purposes of this document: - Quick reference for those already familiar with full works. - To use for training, by those already familiar with full works. While there is room for improvement (including adding DM-ID-2), sharing for any benefit this might have. And of course, welcome any feedback. Being your own editor is not best practice, but you do the best you can as you go. PDFs and PNG attached.
Hi. As a follow up to the post I did 8.2.22, , I have put together the language below. And, for those it might help, here is an example of how I am utilizing it, “Help lines and other information” ; which regardless of the language you might find it beneficial. Also, if anyone else has language, I'd obviously appreciate knowing when...
Hi. Sharing this for anyone who might not be aware. Top Mental Health and Prayer Apps Fail Spectacularly at Privacy, Security. May 2, 2022, Mozilla. Two notes about the guide linked in it (based on a quick review): It’s a little confusing and takes reading through. It appears to be being ongoingly updated, e.g., Sesame Street was updated June 9 th , after updating their privacy...
Hi. While it would be better to do these as individual topic posts and spend more time on each, I am in the process of recovering from Covid, and staying within my healthy limits on effort. Developmental delays or/and disabilities . Caregiver skills training for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities (CST). Released March and April 2022, World Health Organization (WHO) Toolkit providing guidance on caregiver skills training for families of children aged 2–9 years with...
July 30 th is the “World day against trafficking in persons”, #EndHumanTrafficking. This year the UN’s theme for the day is “Use and abuse of technology”, focusing on the role of technology as a tool that can both enable and impede human trafficking. You can read more about that and the day here: While I recognize the work of the UN, as child advocates, it’s important we keep all of that is involved and needed in mind, as we simultaneously work...
July 26 th is the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) being signed in 1990. While as a person of goodness, it grieves me that such laws are needed, until we have a better society, I am thankful for the work that has been done. Given its importance, since many are unaware of the history of the ADA, its elements, and the notable progress since, I want to briefly share just a bit. Before I do, because I am who I am, let me note, that I am also aware and understand the...
Hi. Let me note, that while much could be written, I am keeping this short. This link goes to the Office of Minority Health (OMH)’s page for National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (observed in July) Here are some of the issues: The official name is actually, Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month , which is not on the landing page; and that history is significant. There is the office’s name of,...
Hi. While you might already be aware of this, in case you aren't, wanted to share: http:// . And, if you go to the "take the survey" link, if it's of benefit, participants are provided "with a $15 Amazon Gift Card claim code and a free personalized report on how your health compares to your peers."
Hi. I train a modified version of “The Road to Recovery: Supporting Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Who Have Experienced Trauma ,” developed by the Hogg Foundation and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN). And while there is a story behind their development, I have drafted two documents; one of which, is the attached. “For a child/youth with ID, DD, disability, or/and ASD who has experienced trauma. Some available information and tools for Mental...
Eventbrite link:
Hi. I'm not a marketing whiz, so I thank you for understanding as I simply share some of the challenges around promoting this training, along with some of the need for this training. Challenge: It has on the promo "For all who want to attend!". The reasoning behind that is, what is going to be shared is for "general public" and those working in the fields; and for those working in the fields, it's for all fields. Trying to find a simple way to bridge: for many people, when they see CEUs, and...
Hi. I'm so excited about this day. I sincerely hope you can join us. Registration Link:
I am so excited about the panel and day! It’s for all who want to attend, and CEUs for LCSW, LADC, CADC, LPC, LMFT, CM, CDSVRP. Registration Link:
I participated as a UNA-USA delegate, in the UN’s 66th Commission on the Status of Women. As I listened to plenaries, was part of side events, and engaged with co-delegates, there was the consistent theme of all that is needed. Our global lack of true logic and connection was on display, from stories of child trafficking by marriage, through stories and data on disparities, prejudice, environmental impact, so on. And while I’ll focus on how we address the lack by the Connect All approach, I...
Connect All is a global initiative based on goodness and logic, “To address all that can be, for all life to have the most safety and hopeful possibilities.” Which is both necessary and doable. To give some background to Connect All, I’ll start with a little bit about me. I cope with being neuro-atypical, and until recently, I didn’t understand how much that had impacted my life. That doesn’t tell you much about me or the why for Connect All, simply gives a bit of context. Then as far as the...
In December, I had the privilege of connecting with Herbie Mack. He is a multi-times suicide survivor, and along with being a suicide prevention speaker and life coach, hosts the "Just Believe Podcast". The podcast aims to normalize conversations about mental health challenges, especially for black males and other males of color. He had me on as a guest to talk about the Connect All self-care framework - so wanted to share. Youtube link: Goodpods:...
I've attached the PDF version, and you can also download the hardcopy from the website, under the "Materials" tab.
Hello, I now have 3 training videos to share, as well as a new workbook. The first video is the Ethical Self-Care The second is Connect All Foundations And the third, after you go through either of the previous is an application workshop, for the self-care framework "Five Through the Filter" The workbook for the application workshop in on the website under the 'Materials'...
Hi, Wanted to share these trainings once more :-) You can register on the ConnectAll webpage, under events: And while they are completely free, I was reminded last night by an advocate to also say donations are accepted. Also, the registrations are embedded in the attached poster if you choose to share it that way.
Hi. Wanted to share these trainings opportunities. Registration for the 17th: Registration for the 24th: And the registration links are embedded in the attached PDF.
Hello, The Ethical Self-Care training has been updated, and while I don't have it set up as a webinar yet for CEUs, the video of the live training from 12.29.21 is available here for learning purposes. Whether you want to be as ethical as possible in your field, or be more informed and able to hold others accountable as needed, the materials provided in this training are for you. Description for the training: To optimize ethical practice, it is...