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Hanna Kiefer

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Posts By Hanna Kiefer

Sharing the Virtual Space: A Reflection on the ACEs Aware Care Network Tri-County Leadership Convening

On Monday, October 19, 2020, over 60 leaders from Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo Counties virtually gathered to begin weaving connections at the Tri-County ACEs Aware Care Network Leadership Convening. Under the guidance of Barbara Finch (SBC Department of Social Services, KIDS Network), Terri Allison (Moonlit Consulting), and Carl Palmer (LegacyWorks Group), participants came together with the intention of learning about local implementation of the ACEs Aware initiative,...

COVID-19 Adjustment for Community Partner Santa Barbara County Education Office's Taundra Pitchford

Taundra Pitchford, the Child Care Planning Council Coordinator at the Santa Barbara County Education Office (SBCEO), shared with me in an interview that SBCEO, not unlike other organizations within the Resilient Santa Barbara County ACEs Connection Network, remains open and operational amid the ever-evolving Coronavirus turmoil we find ourselves navigating. Pitchford commented, when asked how her work has shifted since the outbreak of the virus, "While I was busy before, I have never worked...

Isla Vista Youth Projects & Family Service Agency in the Media: Adjusting Amid COVID-19

Linked here is an article by Cynder Sinclair, Noozhawk Columnist, sharing how local nonprofits are adjusting and continuing to service their community amid coronavirus. Featured in the article are two of Resilient Santa Barbara County's very own community partner organizations: Isla Vista Youth Projects and the Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County. The piece features an interview with Lori Goodman, Executive Director of Isla Vista Youth Projects (IVYP) on how they have remained...

The North County Rape Crisis Center & COVID-19

In an interview regarding how she and her organization are adjusting to a new work environment, continuing to serve their community, and remaining resilient amid all things COVID-19, Ann McCarty, Executive Director of the North County Rape Crisis Center (or, "the Center," as McCarty and her colleagues often refer to their organization), shared that the Center is finding itself busier than ever. McCarty reported that the influx of work that she and her employees are experiencing is nothing of...

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