Posts By James Rodriguez

Nurturing Fathers Program Facilitator and Advanced Practitioner Credential Institute
Hybrid Event -
Special Partnerships to Benefit Professionals and Organizations
Dear Colleagues What have you learned about family engagement that can be applied across different subject areas? ✏️ Over the (lol) several decades, I have learned to appreciate professional development to keep striving for excellence. We are honored to share a SPECIAL training with the Nurturing Fathers Program Facilitator's Course and the Advanced Practitioner Credential Course by the Fathers and Families Coalition of America. The partnership to support those attending the international...

Call for Workshop Proposal
Hilton LAX Hotel

Register: Transformation Through DiSC Model Credential Course
Discount for 24th Annual Families and Fathers National/International Conference
Special Discount for Community Partners Welcome to the 24th Annual Families and Fathers National/International Conference Be The Difference 2023 Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel 5711 W Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045 Specialty Day - Monday, April 24th, 2023 Full Conference Days -Tuesday, April 25th - Thursday, April 27th at 5:00 p.m. Hotel Room Reservation Attendee Registration Page Exhibitor Registration Page Our conference theme is Be The Difference , starting Monday, April 24th, and...
Super Early Bird Rate Now Open
Hilton LAX Hotel

Leadership Institute Overview

Last Week to Register for Advanced Practitioner Credential Course for 2022

National Conversation on Policy Effecting Lives of Children and Families

Advanced Practitioner Summer Credential Course
Hybrid Event -

Special Autism and Parenting Saturday April 2 Fireside Conversation
Great News a 50% Discount Off Conference Registration for 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference
I am sharing great news! Collaboration is a benefit for many stakeholders. In 2022, we have confirmed support for the 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference, as of yesterday, from the following: The Annie E. Casey Foundation First 5 California Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving Nurturing Fathers Program The support allows giving a LIMITED amount of discounts for NEW registrations. FFCA will discount 50% off in-person attendees, going from $299 early to $149.50. We will also give a 35%...
Announcing Featured Keynote Speaker - 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference
Featured Speaker & Special Discounts Fathers and Families Coalition of America is honored to announce one of our featured speakers, Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD. We have hosted thousands of faculty members over the past 20+ years. Join us in 2022 as we are thrilled to have Dr. Nekeshia Hammond, PsyD, an expert helping parents navigate wellness for their children and healthy families. Participants will go through a journey together on how we can improve the wellness of children and young...

Call for Workshop Proposals - 23rd Annual National Families and Fathers Conference
Hilton LAX Hotel

Virtual Leadership Institute
Hybrid Event -
Special Discounts for 22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference
LOOK BEYOND THE HORIZON Discounted registrations ending soon Join us virtually or in-person May 17-19, 2021 22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference powered in partnership with Whova, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and you! You as an attendee make our international conference a success. Share our conference information and discounted savings. ________________________ Discover what's next for you and your program. We offer a wide range of workshops and curriculum training to cover all...

22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference Discount Supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Hybrid Event -

Limited Opportunity Call for Workshop Proposals - 22nd Annual Families and Fathers Conference
Hybrid Event -

Advanced Practitioner Credential End of Summer Online Course
Mental Health Awareness Month Guest Speaker Dr. Jorge Partida Del Toro

Advanced Practitioner Credential Summer Online Course

April Men2Men Community Café Overcoming Adversity

Women2Women Community Café - Overcoming Trauma to Transcendence
Virtual Advanced Practitioner Credential April Classes
Limited Opportunity New Advanced Practitioner Credential Online Training Program Class Friday - March 13th
Family First Scholarships for 21st Annual Families and Fathers Conference
21st Annual Families and Fathers National Conference February 24-27, 2020 Hilton Los Angeles Airport 5711 West Century Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90045 I am honored to announce The Family First Scholarship supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation as a Title Sponsor and State of California First 5 as a Co-Sponsor for the 21 st Annual Families and Fathers Conference, Next Level 2020! the terms "putting family first" and "it takes a village to raise a child" parallels with why we have...

Summer Advanced Practitioner Credential
Registration Open - 2019 Families and Fathers Conference Early Rate and Hotel Discount Closing
In 48 days, we open our 20th convening of a powerful conference focused on strengthening families, improving outcomes for children, and strategies to engage families: the 20th Annual Families and Fathers Conference hosted by Fathers and Families Coalition of America. Sponsorships allow the extended early rate for an exceptional experience in Los Angeles, California, from March 4th (pre-conference institute credential) through the main conference dates of March 5th - 7th. Please share this...
Early Discount 20th Annual Families & Fathers Conference
Call to action- Fathers and Families Coalition of America is nearing the 20th Annual Families and Fathers Conference, March 4-7, 2019 in Los Angeles, California with a comprehensive program that hosts presenters from the United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Bolivia and throughout the United States. We are providing the conference information for your consideration to participate. We are asking you to share this conference information with your community...

San Diego Advanced Practitioner & Parent Symposium
In-Person and Virtual Training
San Diego Advanced Practitioner & Parent Symposium
Registration Open: November 15th & 16th San Diego Advanced Training for Social Workers, Therapists, Early Childhood Educators, Head Start, Fatherhood Practitioners, and More with a special Parent Track Learn More about the exceptional 2-day event for under $150.00 (includes CEUs) and a Virtual Attendance Option. EVENT DETAILS HERE http://fathersandfamiliescoalition.org/posts/san-diego-advanced-practitioner-parent-symposium-early.html SYMPOSIUM OVERVIEW FFCA has provided professional...

Lisa Najavits video conference on Seeking Safety for men, July 25, 2018
VIRTUAL GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR A MODEST FEE STARTING AT $39.00 AND A FREE PROGRAM FOR FFCA AFFILIATES & MEMBERS Fathers and Families Coalition of America hosts a unique series to strengthen the skills of those working with individuals, parents, families, children and building healthy communities. REGISTRATION HERE ENROLLMENT AND CREDENTIALING SUPPORT? Alfie Tarazon Enrollment and Credentialing Manager - Assistant to President & CEO...
Seeking Safety Trauma Informed Care - PTSD - Substance Abuse Model Virtual Symposium
ACEs Connection Discount for National Conference with Seeking Safety Featured Certificate Training
Advancing Your Professional Development 19th Annual Families and Fathers National 2018 Conference February 19-23, 2018, Los Angeles Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel 6101 West Century Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90045 We're excited to share with you Special Credentials & Certifications Offered @19th Annual Families and Fathers Conference for the professional journey of others working with children, youth, couples, fathers and take for their own inspiration these six (6) featured...

19th Annual Families and Fathers Conference - Early Rates Open
Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel
Summer Web-Talk Series to Address Needs of Children and Parents Overcoming Abuse
WHY? HELP OTHERS THAT NEED SUPPORT TO GET BEYOND WHY ADVERSITY HAS HAPPENED.... OPPORTUNITIES TO INCREASE SKILLS WORKING ASIDE CHILDREN, YOUTH AND PARENTS Continuous Quality Improvement Training Webinars Wednesdays July 19th & 26th $60.00 total for both days... 3:30p.m.-5:00p.m. Pacific Standard Time Zone Train your whole staff with no travel expense or time away from the office! Our registration process is easy and provides an opportunity for everyone in your office to benefit from the...

Sheraton Gateway LAX Hotel or Virtual Attendance