Communities Jan Powers Belongs To
PublicActive280 Members
Join in conversations inspired by Donna Jackson Nakazawa's book, Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal. We'll chat about the latest research on how ACEs can affect our health, happiness, and relationships; vent a little; and brainstorm our best ideas for resiliency and healing.
PublicActive164 Members
Iowa ACEs Action connects individuals and communities across Iowa who are reducing adverse childhood experiences and the impact of toxic stress. This collaborative online community serves as the venue for sharing resources and best practices, and for launching discussion and open communication across all regions of our state.
PublicActive3,058 Members
We share ideas, information and stories about mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in the K-12 environment.
PublicActive750 Members
Connecting and informing the faith community how to integrate PACE concepts into the faith-based community.
PublicActive545 Members
Resources, posts, discussions, chats about national efforts to build a trauma-informed, resilience-building nation.
PublicActive1,294 Members
The State PACEs Action is the go-to location for ACEs activities in U.S. states.
PublicActive334 Members
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.