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Jed Diamond, PhD

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Posts By Jed Diamond, PhD

Mentored Boys or Monster Boys: The Two Choices for Our Future

I wrote recently about my preparations to take my 15 year-old grandson, Deon, for a four day, young men’s rites of passage, retreat. It was truly an adventure of a life-time for both of us and want to share a bit about the experience with you (that’s me in the second row on the right with Deon beside me). I’ve long believed that mentoring is critical to the well-being of our children and grandchildren, particularly the young men. It’s also critical to the well-being of our communities. Many...

How ACEs Impact Relationships

I'm a marriage and family counselor and author. I've written 12 books on health and relationship. I'm working on a new book on how we can reverse the divorce trends and help relationships survive and thrive. I believe one critical issue is to...

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