Posts By Jeff Bergstrom LMSW
Million March Against Child Abuse

Global March Against Child Abuse
Coeur d'Alene Idaho
Global March Against Child Abuse
With the help of the national organization, , I am forming a march in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho on April 5th. If you know anyone interested in participating please contact me. This is about protecting our greatest...
million march
Million March Against Child Abuse
Consider participating in this amazing world and national event April 5th.

Million March Against Child Abuse
Washington DC and Local Cities and Communities

"Breaking Night" Book Reading
You Carry The Cure in Your Own Heart
You Carry the Cure In Your Own Heart Emotional abuse of children can lead, in adulthood, to addiction, rage, a severely damaged sense of self and an inability to truly bond with others. But—if it happened to you—there is a way out. by...
What's Wrong with the Rehabilitation Process?
Does anyone else feel dismayed by what our system of punishment does for our culture?,35434/
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA/GAL) Resource
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA/GAL) resource with useful information and research concerning child health and welfare.
Children's Poetry
If you enjoy reading or writing poetry this is a great resource for people of all ages.
Growing up in the foster care system: Angel Mechling at TEDxUMDearborn
The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans: Daniel Amen at TEDxOrangeCoast
What's Your Prison?: Paul Wood at TEDxAuckland (17 min)
Border _ : A compassionate documentary on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) FULL MOVIE
Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head - A GREAT TED TALK!

Conquering Mental Fatigues: PTSD and Hypervigilance Disorder
Arlington Heights Memorial Library, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Education Book Review: Out of the Darkness: The Story of Mary Ellen Wilson by Eric A. Shelman, M....
Moving Can Become Traumatic
Many adverse experiences that children endure are manifested as a result of their immediate environment. Exposure to drugs, alcohol, violence, absent parenting, social stigmatization, peer bullying, emotional abuse, neglect, malnutrition, and...
Moving is Stressful for Children
Lessons from the Mental Hospital: Glennon Doyle Melton at TEDxTraverseCity
Cedar Planked Train Near the Washington Coast
The cycles of Abuse/Neglect and Addictions
Out of the modern morass of our primordial ooze, child abuse and neglect permeate every corner of the globe. This type of emotional abuse is rarely reported or recognized in most of societies. Consequently, the cycles of generational...
Reality for some Children
A Hug Worth a Thousand Words
The Ecology of the Child: Childrens Mental Health
The Power of Resilience: Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. at TEDxRockCreekPark
Changing the Paradigm of Abuse, Addiction and Trauma
Dr. Mate' keynote address, "Women, Addictions and FASD is about social and cultural norms, our judgements, compassion, and empathy for the peoples suffering from trauma. (ACEs study @ 26:00) He offers an alternative perspective in describing...
Jeanne Achterberg (1942-2012): Imagery in Healing -- Part One Complete: Thinking Allowed
National Child Tramautic Stress Network - Trauma Overview
Richie Davidson - The Emotional Life of Your Brain (Complete)
Trauma Specialist, Babette Rothschild: Description of Dual Awareness for treating PTSD
"The Impact of Early Life Trauma" Seminar with Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D. & Judith Herman, M.D.
Homeless Man Refuses Shower/Clean Clothes
Met a Homeless Man Today....
Steve is homeless and disabled. He lives in a tent just yards away from the County Sheriff's office. He agreed to be interviewed and so we spent the last two days talking about his history. He was sent to foster homes at around 4-5...
Met a Homeless Man today....
Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley
A Journey into Tanzania
Sandler Conference 2013 (04) Bradley Peterson - investigating "children-at-risk
Sandler Conference 2010 - Trauma and epigenetics
Supporting and scaling social programs (that work): Jeffrey Bradach at TEDxNewEngland
Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
Brain Bumbarger, M.Ed. - Lessons Learned in Statewide Evidence Based Practice Implementation
TEDtalkDirector, Sir Ken Robinson on Creativity and Modern Education