Communities Jenna White Belongs To
PrivateActive226 Members
This is the dedicated global community of the CRC Accelerator certification program and serves as an official home for individual advocates and organizational agents of change to gather, share and discuss ideas, and innovate together as a community. Let’s build on impactful strategies to create, grow, and sustain trauma-informed resilient communities through a PACEs science lens across.
PublicActive37 Members
The Fairfax County Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) is a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency effort to implement and support Trauma-Informed Care initiatives across the Health, Housing, Education and Human Services System. The Fairfax TICN is one of 19 such networks across the Commonwealth of Virginia.
PublicActive239 Members
The Greater Richmond (VA) Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) is a diverse group of professionals from a cross sector of organizations and government agencies and community members who are dedicated to supporting and advocating for continuous trauma-informed care for all children and families in the City of Richmond and surrounding counties.
PublicActive47 Members
Where individuals and initiatives gather to meet, brainstorm, and collaborate about using ACEs Science inclusively to create trauma-informed families, communities, systems, and change with and for all.
PublicActive3,058 Members
We share ideas, information and stories about mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in the K-12 environment.
PublicActive1,943 Members
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?
PublicActive104 Members
The Virginia ACEs Connection initiative promotes safety and connection to empower self-healing communities in Virginia.