Communities Jeoffry Gordon Belongs To
PrivateActive11 Members
Bayview Hunter's Point ACEs Connection is a space for community members striving to promote healing and create a more trauma-aware neighborhood, to collaborate on strategies to prevent and reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in this community.
PublicActive139 Members
The California Essentials for Childhood Initiative uses a public health and collective impact approach to align and enhance collaborative efforts to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children, youth and families through systems, policy and social norms change.
PublicActive2,039 Members
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
PublicActive46 Members
A community for those who are interested in how PACEs intertwines in the life course, or who are interested in the PACEs-related lives, interests and issues of people 65 and older.
PublicActive158 Members
The First 5 Association Trauma Informed Collaborative aims to build awareness, share information, and knowledge about best practices to improve the ability of First 5 commissions to integrate Trauma Informed Care into our work across the state of California.
PublicActive94 Members
We are a collection of institutions, school districts, community based organizations and businesses that have a common desire to make our communities trauma informed for the purpose of building resilience in our youth, families, neighborhoods and county.
PublicActive3,058 Members
We share ideas, information and stories about mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in the K-12 environment.
PublicActive358 Members
A community of stakeholders in medical school education organized around integrating the science of ACEs, neurobiology, resiliency, and trauma-informed care into core medical school curricula -- because EVERY future physician should know about ACEs and its long-term effects on health and well-being.
PublicActive578 Members
PublicActive579 Members
This is the online platform for our ACEs, trauma-informed, and resilience-building movement. It is a call to action- a place to work collaboratively across sectors and communities, to transform our county to one of hope, healing, and resilience for all. It is based on the socio-ecological model, collective impact strategies, and resident-driven approaches to prevention, intervention, and advocacy.
PublicActive44 Members
San Mateo County ACEs Connection is a community for all who are invested in creating a trauma-informed and resilient San Mateo County. This is a space to share resources, information, successes, and challenges related to addressing trauma and building resiliency, particularly in young children and their families.
PublicActive176 Members
We are a multidisciplinary group of health professionals working to advance trauma-informed care across the continuum of practice through ground-breaking, transformative interprofessional education and research. We envision all health care professionals and health care systems being trauma-informed.