Posts By Jondi Whitis

New Year: New Perspectives on Mind-Body Support for Chronic Pain
online/zoom with tiny film donation ticket

Humanitarian Outreach Training, Approaches & Emotional First-Aid for Everyone
Manhattan, NY and live-streaming

Expectations: What's That Got to Do With My Relationships?
Online / ZOOM
Letting Go & Loss
Letting Go & Loss

Humanitarian Outreach Workshop: A Kind gift from Rwanda
Hotel MTK, Mt. Kisco, NY

The 11th Annual Spring Energy Event: HomeComing!
Online, April 22&23

How to Help Quickly, BEFORE Your Other Modalities: RRR

In-Person Training Returns! Application Arts & Delivery for Effective Change
Brooklyn NY

Free, Tapping in the Real World: Tapping Success Online Summit
FREE Tapping In Schools Summit

Rapid Regulation & Release: Emotional First-Aid in Action
online via ZOOM

Rapid Regulation & Release
Online Zoom
This weekend: Community Restoration & Reunion
Hello, colleagues. This weekend is the 10th anniversary of my community making efforts over the years, and an opportunity for everyone to restore, reunite, rejuvenate and receive. This is my last-chance invitation to you all. AND because we have to be online one more time....it's the first year that I've encouraged the 'house party' concept. Simply put: get signed up then invite a friend or colleagues to join you to watch, together. A cuppa, a pizza, a weekend...all good. And a way to spread...
GIVERS: Isn't it time to receive?
Hello, community. I would like to formally invite you - the caregivers and wellness workers of the world....to lay it down. One weekend a year, this retreat (online again this year) is made for YOU. Come, receive, enjoy, relax, refuel and revive. Connection is antidote to compassion fatigue and burn-out. Promise. Isn't it time that you receive? www.SpringEnergyEvent.com April 1-3 online https://youtu.be/8I0h7aHMhSg

TAPPING: Advanced, Artful & Creative for Real World Problems
online - two weekends in April

The 10th Anniversary Spring Energy Event
Online www.SpringEnergyEvent.com
If you've ever wondered about Tapping, specifically for Self-Care...

Better Group Facilitation with Emotional Assistants
Online, on ZOOM, with registration

What a Great Emotional Assistant Can Do For Your Group
Online, on ZOOM, with registration

Rapid Regulation: Emotional First-Aid In-the-Moment Strategies
Online, via ZOOM with registration

Rapid Regulation: Emotional First-Aid In-the-Moment Strategies
Online, via ZOOM with registration
Strategic Interventions for Re-Emerging Into Daily Life
Modern Tools for Everyday Living - Strategic Interventions
Becoming an Emotional Assistant, for EP Support Groups & TIC-typeTrainings
Online ZOOM training

Emotional First-Aid Strategies for Everyday Living
Online, ZOOM
A Community Gathering Begins Tomorrow Afternoon
The 9th Annual community gathering begins tomorrow.

The 9th Annual Spring Energy Event is this weekend!
Online on ZOOM
Border Crisis Discussion
Happy Valentines Day - loving resource for you
free resource today for stress relief and more
Humanitarian Committee Resources

Intermediate Emotional First-Aid Strategy & Application
Online, live, via ZOOM

Introduction to Emotional-First Aid, for Everyone
Online; live on ZOM
More Than a Stocking Stuffer
a gift you'll find useful all year long

Rapid & Strategic Interventions
Online, ZOOM

Introduction to Emotional First-Aid: online interactive training
Coping with Corona – Reduce Stress and Fear in 30 minutes! - YouTube.webarchive

The 8th Annual Spring Energy Event Community Gathering - This Weekend
Online event this year (see link above for registration, on SpringEnergyEvent.com )
What Our Children Need Us to Know, Right Now
Teaching children how to better navigate crisis, right now.