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Jondi Whitis

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Member Rank: #65

Posts By Jondi Whitis

This weekend: Community Restoration & Reunion

Hello, colleagues. This weekend is the 10th anniversary of my community making efforts over the years, and an opportunity for everyone to restore, reunite, rejuvenate and receive. This is my last-chance invitation to you all. AND because we have to be online one more's the first year that I've encouraged the 'house party' concept. Simply put: get signed up then invite a friend or colleagues to join you to watch, together. A cuppa, a pizza, a weekend...all good. And a way to spread...

GIVERS: Isn't it time to receive?

Hello, community. I would like to formally invite you - the caregivers and wellness workers of the lay it down. One weekend a year, this retreat (online again this year) is made for YOU. Come, receive, enjoy, relax, refuel and revive. Connection is antidote to compassion fatigue and burn-out. Promise. Isn't it time that you receive? April 1-3 online

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