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Julie Kurtz

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Posts By Julie Kurtz

Book and Resources: Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators: Relationship-Based Approaches that Support Healing and Build Resilience in Young Children

Anthony is riding a tricycle at his preschool when a loud airplane flies over- head. He starts to cover his ears and screams repeatedly “no, no, no, no” over and over. His preschool teacher, Lawanda, walks over to Anthony, bends down to his eye level and using a calm and reassuring voice tells him, “Anthony, you are safe, you are here in preschool where the teachers will take care of you. That loud sound was an airplane way up high in the sky. You are safe down here on the ground with me.

Bring a Training of Trainer (ToT) to your Community - Become authorized to train and coach on one or more trauma informed modules...

Purpose: The purpose of the Training of Trainer (ToT) Apprentice Program is to help educators develop a deeper knowledge related to trauma informed practices and to be ready to train/coach providers in the future once they are authorized in Module 100 (see attached flyer for modules). This intensive two phase apprenticeship program is to support an apprentice to become authorized and to be able to coach, train or support other providers in the core foundations and strategies of trauma...

New Book: Culturally Responsive Self-Care Practices for Early Childhood Educators

Available on amazon now: Early childhood educators have very complex jobs. They work long days on their feet with constant demands on their energy and patience—whether they are holding and rocking infants, reading storybooks to toddlers, engaging in imaginary play with preschoolers or building problem-solving and self-regulation skills with kindergarteners. Despite the intense workplace demands early...

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