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Kathy Hentcy

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Points: 1,432
Member Rank: #201

Posts By Kathy Hentcy

Thank you to ACEs Connection - an AMAZING Resource

This is just a quick note to thank ACEs Connection for the incredible resources that are offered simply as a result of joining the website. In Vermont we are busy with our "Building Flourishing Communities" initiative, built on Laura Porter's Self-Healing Communities model. We are 18 months into our work and have just secured a second round of funding by being part of a federal grant that our Child Development Division won. We are very small, and have very little bandwidth for anything other...

Faces of ACEs Video Showing at Savoy Theater Great Success!

It was a full house last at the Savoy Theater, in Montpelier VT), to see Kim Pierce's video, "Faces of ACEs." They had a second showing since not everyone who had come out on a windy, snowy Sunday evening could get in for the first showing. The video is a very moving account of Kim's work screening her patients at the Plainfield Health Center for ACEs, and their responses to the screening. It is clear that the discussions about ACEs and their connections to life patterns is transformative...

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