Communities Katia Reinert Belongs To
PublicActive231 Members
We want to make San Bernardino County the national leader in prevention and recovery from ACEs. To do so, we are creating the conditions for all educators, health care, behavioral health, social service and law enforcement professionals to apply evidence-based best practices with partners across disciplines.
PublicActive1,119 Members
This group is for anyone who wishes to share information about and promote ACEs research awareness, trauma-informed/resilience-building practices, and to influence positive social change in Maryland.
PublicActive1,315 Members
A group to share ideas on investigating and mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in post-secondary education environments.
PublicActive358 Members
A community of stakeholders in medical school education organized around integrating the science of ACEs, neurobiology, resiliency, and trauma-informed care into core medical school curricula -- because EVERY future physician should know about ACEs and its long-term effects on health and well-being.
PublicActive750 Members
Connecting and informing the faith community how to integrate PACE concepts into the faith-based community.