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Katrina Coleman

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Points: 170
Member Rank: #1,694

Communities Katrina Coleman Belongs To

A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
We are the Gloucester ACEs Community. Our goal is to raise awareness of ACEs and motivate as many people as possible to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their daily lives and support others to do so.
PACEs in Maternal Health is a community of individuals who seek to raise awareness and deepen understanding about the association of adverse childhood experiences and the lifelong impacts on maternal health.
The Queens County Mental Health Project is an initiative that focuses on whole health and basic human needs. A network of community organizations help enable referrals for additional resources. Queens Health Outreach, Empowerment and Advocacy — we aim to work together and strengthen the wellness, safety and access to services in Queens, New York.
We are a multidisciplinary group of health professionals working to advance trauma-informed care across the continuum of practice through ground-breaking, transformative interprofessional education and research. We envision all health care professionals and health care systems being trauma-informed.
Shining a light on the science of ACEs as we move along the path towards hope, health and healing in our community.
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