Posts By Kristen Allott ND,LAc

Discussion on the Physiology of Anxiety
I wanted to share the great conversation I had with Dhru Purohit on the Broken Brain Podcast. His open curiosity and clear knowledge of health facilitated a dynamic discussion on the physiology of anxiety and what people can rapidly do for themselves to feel better. Please check out the podcast and participate in the discussion. Link to listen to the Broken Brain Podcast
Interview with Chan Hellman about the Power of Hope
I am so excited to share with you an interview with Chan Hellman, PhD, co-author of the award-winning book “ HOPE Rising: How the Science of Hope Can Change Your Life ”. Chan introduces the language and science of Hope and shares his insights into how we can cultivate hope during these uncertain times. Chan, the webinar participants, Natasha Duarte (my co-author) and I enjoyed thinking about how hope is created in our lives. This is the recording of the live webinar .
Hope Rising
I would like to invite you to join us for a webinar with Chan Hellman, Ph.D., a researcher, and author on how HOPE can change the lives of people who have experienced ACES. He has been presenting around the country on his 10 years of research and is looking forward to having an open dialog about hope and how to create hopeful communication at this moment. The webinar will be Friday, April 3rd at 1:30-2:45 pm Pacific time Start time in other times zones: 2:30 pm Mountain, 3:30 pm Central,...
Ten Suggestions for an Epidemic from Seattle.
I am a naturopathic doctor from the Seattle/Tacoma area. I have worked extensively with people to develop resilience after challenging childhoods, history of mental health and addictions. What I learned is that it is helpful to have away, have some information on how one might takes some steps forward. I wrote a blog answering the 10 most common questions about this moment. It might be helpful to those who are just starting to become aware of this epidemic. Here is my blog.