Communities Kristine Cain Belongs To
PublicActive65 Members
We are a cross-sector collaborative dedicated to creating safe, positive, nurturing, and flourishing families and communities.
PublicActive785 Members
Resilience at work. What does it mean to be trauma-informed at work? How is it defined and assessed? How do we measure success? What policies, protocols, and training exist? How does becoming trauma-informed change us and our work? We share the nuts and bolts of becoming a trauma-informed organization and our struggles, questions, and successes, too.
PublicActive643 Members
Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices.
"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela
PublicActive30 Members
We unite parents, youth, community residents, community physical and mental health organizations, school principals and staff, community leaders from faith, justice, politics, business and other sectors, and the Northwest Side Housing Center to prevent adversity, promote healing, and build resilience in Belmont Cragin.
PublicActive280 Members
Join in conversations inspired by Donna Jackson Nakazawa's book, Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal. We'll chat about the latest research on how ACEs can affect our health, happiness, and relationships; vent a little; and brainstorm our best ideas for resiliency and healing.
PublicActive136 Members
The Illinois ACEs Response Collaborative is a broad range of multi-sectoral stakeholders committed to expanding the understanding of trauma and ACEs and their impact on the health and well-being of Illinois children, families, communities, and systems. Through advocacy and mobilization efforts, we work to put the issues of ACEs, trauma, and resilience on the forefront of health equity in Illinois.
PublicActive67 Members
Kankakee Iroquois Cares is a volunteer-driven coalition whose mission is to build a trauma-informed community through raising awareness about the prevalence of trauma and the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), eliminating the stigma of shame, fostering inter-agency collaboration, and expanding learning opportunities about trauma-informed services to build resilience and heal trauma.
PublicActive161 Members
We share information and exchange ideas related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma and resilience that lead to practical and community-centered solutions in Minnesota.
PublicActive1,943 Members
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?