Communities Laura Klivans Belongs To
PublicActive105 Members
A group bringing together professionals, community members, and advocates who share a passion to reduce trauma and build resiliency in Alameda County. Please use this group as a forum to share information, exchange ideas and host dialogue that lead to practical and community centered solutions.
PublicActive2,039 Members
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
PublicActive575 Members
Indigenous Wisdom, supported by Western Medicine and ACEs science, will heal all living things, (animal life, plant life, Mother Earth, human beings). The prophecy of Crazy Horse is manifesting. We are the Seventh Generation.
PublicActive45 Members
Join the movement to prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience in Napa County. Our intent is that everyone in Napa County is educated about ACEs and integrates trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their work, family, community and individual lives. This is a place to work collaboratively to transform our county to one of hope, compassion, healing and resilience for all.
PublicActive147 Members
The members of this group stretch from Sonoma County, across to Plumas County and all the way up to the Oregon border.
Given the size of this geographic region we have meetups in local areas. Sometimes, two or three of us just have lunch to get acquainted, and find new ways to connect each others' work. Please join us!
PublicActive807 Members
We advocate for the bio/psycho/social well being of foster children. We recognize, acknowledge and validate the trauma endured by children placed in foster care. We embrace the capacity of healing and ultimate recovery for foster children with family, community and professional support.
PublicActive561 Members
Discussion and sharing of resources in working with clients involved in the criminal justice system and how screening for and treating ACEs will lead to successful re-entry of prisoners into the community and reduced recidivism for former offenders.
PublicActive1,943 Members
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?
PublicActive24 Members
Resilient Berkeley is a cross sector, community driven collaborative committed to building Berkeley's capacity to prevent and heal trauma.
PublicActive140 Members
Resilient Santa Clara County (SCC) PACES Network strives to prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience with dignity and hope for all in Santa Clara County.
PublicActive103 Members
This group seeks to: 1) Understand what we do, what we do well, and call upon each other to collaborate. 2) Create a healing space for folks to work together across sectors. 3) Create a structured way to lift up each other’s work, align resources, and prevent fragmentation. 4) Use technology to communicate differently and stop traumatizing already traumatized systems.
PublicActive44 Members
San Mateo County ACEs Connection is a community for all who are invested in creating a trauma-informed and resilient San Mateo County. This is a space to share resources, information, successes, and challenges related to addressing trauma and building resiliency, particularly in young children and their families.
PublicActive204 Members
We bring the community together to nurture Positive Childhood Experiences, prevent, heal, and treat ACEs while promoting resiliency.
PublicActive40 Members
Shining a light on the science of ACEs as we move along the path towards hope, health and healing in our community.