Profile Information
Denver, CO
United States
Postal Code
What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)
RN at Craig Hospital in Englewood, CO, specializing in high-acute traumatic brain injury rehabilitation. I am also involved in continuing research work at University of Colorado Denver, where I am working to validate a PACES tool to perhaps replace ACEs in the clinical environment. I just discovered this website and I would love to connect.
What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?
University of Colorado Denver, College of Nursing; Craig Neurorehabilitation and Research Hospital
What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?
I believe that ACEs are important, but the previous focus on ACEs only may prove re-traumatizing to the client. A balanced approach to addressing childhood/lifetime trauma must include points of resilience, not only to balance the nervous system during assessment, but also to provide positive aspects of one's personal history to cling to and build/grow from. ACEs not only have potential to re-traumatize clients; they are also fatiguing for clinicians who facilitate assessments and may stimulate secondary trauma or lead to increased burnout. These factors make ACEs less desirable to work with for both client and clinician. I am a bedside neuro rehab nurse, and I am contemplating a PhD while actively involved in research at CU Denver. I am working on publishing a study to validate the PACES tool (n = 1650 at this time with rolling intake) created by Laurie Leitch, PhD, for use as an assessment and intervention. An associate of mine is also working on a manuscript from a data assessment that she did on the initial arm of the PACES data collection, which showed that resilience factors were positive indicators for retention in a MOUD program.
If you're part of a community-based PACEs initiative, which one?
None at this time, but I would like to be!