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Lisa Clark

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Posts By Lisa Clark

ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute presents Resilient Schools: Creating Trauma Informed Schools

Resilient school leaders recognize that training all school personnel maximizes opportunities for mitigating the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences while providing supports in and out of the classroom. Learn about one school district’s journey to expand trauma-informed practices and strengthen positive school cultures, while taking steps to implement restorative practices school-wide. Principals will spotlight exciting academic gains and provide examples of student and faculty...

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute presents: CHATS- Connecting Humans and Telling Stories: An Overview

Please join the ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute as we welcome Megan Hamilton (Strong ACC), Ginny Moorer (Mt. Rogers Community Services) and Leah Wilson (Emory and Henry University), our guest presenters at the January Resilience Presentation Series on January 9, 2025, at 12 p.m. (Eastern). They will present CHATS- C onnecting H umans a nd T elling S tories : An Overview. This Zoom presentation is free; however, registration is required. At the heart of helping others recover from...

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute Resilience Presentation Series- Breaking Through the Cycle of Incarceration through Trauma-Informed Employment Practices

Please join the East Tennessee State University Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute as we welcome Dr. C. Allen Gorman and Dr. Sarah Tucker, University of Alabama at Birmingham, who will be our guest presenters at the October Resilience Presentation Series on October 30, 2024, at 12 p.m. (Eastern). They will be presenting Breaking the Cycle of Incarceration Through Trauma-Informed Employment Practices. The Zoom presentation is free; however, registration is required. " Formerly incarcerated...

Schoolwide Reset Spaces: The Principal Perspective- Part 2

The East Tennessee State Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute welcomes Drs. Ginger Christian, Kevin Graham, Amy Horton, and Kyle Loudermilk as they present, Schoolwide Reset Spaces: The Principal Perspective on April 9, 2024, 12-1:30 p.m. (EDT). Reset Spaces provide resources for students to calm and learn how to self-regulate when they are experiencing “fight or flight” moments. Resources include comfortable seating, sensory calming tools, music, and lighting. We are learning when the...

Human Connection to Reduce Addiction- Andrea D. Clements, Ph.D. and Mary Jo Hedrick, M.S.

The East Tennessee State University Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute welcomes Andrea D. Clements, Ph.D. and Mary Jo Hedrick, psychology doctoral candidate, to the Resilience Presentation Series on March 20, 2024, 1-2 p.m. (EDT). Intentionally increasing interpersonal connection opens up avenues for addiction treatment that address root causes of addiction rather than its symptoms. Learn more about the strong association between childhood adversity and later problematic substance use, as...

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute presents: Creating Trauma-Informed Middle and High Schools- Part 1

Please make plans to join the East Tennessee State University Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute as we welcome Drs. Ginger Christian, Amy Horton, and Kevin Graham for our February Resilience Series presentation. This presentation will take place on February 27, 2024, from 12- 1:30 p.m. (Eastern). Resilient school leaders recognize that training all school personnel, from custodians and bus drivers to teachers and principals, maximizes opportunities for mitigating the effects of Adverse...

Becky Haas- "Employing a Trauma-Informed Approach in Justice Systems"

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute is delighted to welcome Becky Haas as our guest speaker for the January Resilience Series, presenting “Employing A Trauma-Informed Approach in Justice Systems” . When justice professionals learn about trauma, they can respond in ways more supportive to trauma behaviors by taking action to avoid re-traumatizing, employing de-escalation tools to reduce use-of-force, ensuring safety for all, reducing recidivism and promoting recovery. Mrs. Haas, a...

Creating Better Workplaces: A Trauma-Informed Approach- Wallace E. Dixon, Jr., PhD

Leaders in nearly every workplace want to maximize the productivity of their units. They can achieve this objective by promoting employee satisfaction and belongingness through a sustainable commitment to trauma-informed practices. Join Dr. Wallace E. Dixon, founding director of the East Tennessee State University Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute, as he discusses Better Workplaces Tennessee: A Trauma-Informed Approach. This Zoom presentation is free; however, registration is required.

ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute Resilience Speaker Series- September

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute is delighted to welcome Nikita Gupta, our guest speaker for the September Resilience Speaker Series, presenting “Caring for Ourselves While Caring for Others: Minimizing Burnout and Replenishing Empathy.” The presentation will offer a space for participants to reflect on burnout and compassion fatigue, and how they are experienced in our body and nervous system. Participants will explore and practice body-based strategies for restoration and the...

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute is pleased to announce that Wallace E. Dixon, Ph.D., Founding Director, has been selected, along with Jane Childers, Trinity University, to edit the special P/ACEs issue of the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Please see the website here: Dr. Dixon is looking for some action editors and reviewers. If you are interested, have questions or...

Implementing a Trauma Informed Approach: The Attachment Regulation and Competency Framework

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute is delighted to welcome Chris Moynihan and Nic Shields as our guest speakers for the August Resilience Speaker Series, presenting “ Implementing a Trauma Informed Approach: The Attachment Regulation and Competency Framework. ” Implementing trauma informed care into an organizational culture can be a challenging endeavor. Mr. Moynihan and Mr. Shields will share the lessons learned from one organization's multiyear efforts to implement the...

ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute Resilience Presentation Series

Please join us on May 3, 2023 as we welcome Dr. Patti van Eys, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Consultant for van Eys Mental Health, who will be presenting Thriving or Surviving? Building Everyday Resilience. This webinar is free to the public; however, registration is required. Please see our attached flyer for additional information. We hope you will join us! Registration link:

ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute Resilience Presentation Series

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute invites you to join us as we welcome April Scott, M.A., Ed.S, IMH-E , Rachel Hanson, M.S. , IMH-E, and Kimberly Ladd, C.P.S. as our speakers for the April Resilience Speaker Series. Ms. Scott is the Prenatal, Infant, and Early Childhood Program Manager at Centerstone Nashville. Ms. Hanson is Project Manager at Centerstone, and Ms. Ladd is the Executive Director of Align Hope. The topic for the presentation will be “HOPE- Healthy Outcomes from...

Dr. Sanghoon Yoo- "Spirituality and the Faith Community: Key Components in Building Personal and Community Resilience"

The ETSU Ballad Health Strong BRAIN Institute is pleased to welcome Rev. Dr. Sanghoon Yoo as the speaker for the March Resilience Speaker Series. Dr. Yoo will be presenting, “Spirituality and the Faith Community: Key Components in Building Personal and Community Resilience”. The presentation will take place Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 2:00-3:00 p.m . Please see the attached flyer for more details. Feel free to share the flyer with others. Please direct any questions to Lisa Favre Clark (...

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