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Lisa Cushatt

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Posts By Lisa Cushatt

Advocacy for Iowa's Families

The 2021 Iowa Legislative Session kicked off last week at a time when the needs of families are great. The pandemic and the inequities it furthers for low-income Iowans and Iowa communities of color and the systemic discrimination that continues to disenfranchise our neighbors all mean we have much work to do to create systems that prevent trauma to Iowa’s children and families. Over the past few months, Iowa ACEs 360 has partnered with local coalitions and organizations to hold advocacy...

New Iowa ACEs Module

Iowa ACEs 360 has launched a free online course, Healing Iowa: An Overview of ACEs in Iowa and How to Respond. This interactive online learning module takes about an hour to complete and covers the following: Iowa research about adverse childhood experiences and how trauma impacts health and well-being. Factors that contribute to childhood trauma Ways that Iowans are responding to trauma. When the course is complete, participants will receive a certificate of completion. The course can be...

2019 Iowa ACEs Policy Priorities

The Iowa ACEs Advocacy Coalition is poised to meet with Iowa elected officials next week to advocate for our 2019 legislative priorities. Key focus areas are: 1st Five Healthy Mental Development Initiative Children's Mental Health Prenatal Home-Visitation Trauma-Informed Child Welfare System Medicaid and Children's Health Click here for an overview of our priorities. Visit for more information on our collaborative policy efforts.

2019 Iowa ACEs Day on the Hill--Register Now!

Each year, the advocacy movement in Iowa to address childhood trauma grows. Our collective voice continues to be a critical role in this movement! Join advocates from across the state for the Iowa ACEs Policy Coalition's Day on the Hill! The day will kick off at 7:30AM in the Legislative Dining Room with individual and small group meetings with elected officials. Whether you are new to the capitol, or an experienced lobbyist, we welcome you to join us! More details on our priorities and a...

Iowa Governor Signs Resilient Iowa Proclamation

Governor Kim Reynolds signed the Resilient Iowa Proclamation on February 15, 2018 alongside community and state leaders in the ACEs and Trauma Informed Care movement. Building resiliency in Iowa will enhance the ability of children and adults to adapt, cope and thrive despite difficult times, supporting the mental well-being of our neighbors, faith leaders, educators, and future workforce. Emerging research shows that building resiliency in families and communities through social connections...

Iowa ACEs Coalition Continues to Advance Policy

The Iowa ACEs Policy Coalition continued its legislative advocacy this week at the Iowa Capitol. As elected officials shift their focus to the appropriations process, advocates emphasized the importance of two key priorities that will be addressed through funding legislation: Statewide expansion of the 1st Five Healthy Development Initiative Advancement of the Mental Health Workgroup's recommendations More than 25 advocates joined small group meetings with key legislative leaders on these...

Iowa ACEs Advocacy Coalition Promotes a Resilient Iowa

The Iowa ACEs Advocacy Coalition kicked off the Iowa legislative session with efforts to promote a Resilient Iowa. With a growing advocacy coalition of community based organizations, associations, advocacy groups, philanthropy and business, the group advances joint policy priorities to prevent ACEs and promote resiliency and trauma-informed care. Last week, the coalition held its first advocacy day at the Iowa Capitol, educating elected officials on Iowa ACEs data. The group also promoted an...

Central Iowa ACEs Sets Direction

The Central Iowa ACEs 360 Steering Committee approved a strategic plan and new coalition structure at their June meeting. The strategic plan follows the Spectrum of Prevention framework from the Prevention Institute to ensure a multi-faceted,...

Iowa ACEs Policy Brief

Child welfare. Juvenile justice. Education. Healthcare. Adverse childhood experiences impact every sector and system, and it should follow that advocacy and policy efforts to prevent and mitigate the impact of childhood trauma should seek to do the...

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