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Lisa Wright

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Posts By Lisa Wright

From Sanctuary Sunday to Self-Care Saturday, GRTICN lays the groundwork for Resilience Week VA 2020

The Greater Richmond TICN (GRTICN) has rallied around the message of Resilience Week, strengthening community connections even in the era of physical distancing. Staff from Greater Richmond SCAN , the backbone organization of the GRTICN, and Sacred Heart Center have filmed Virtual Storytimes in Spanish and English. GRTICN members Connie Honsinger from Chesterfield Pubic Schools and Keith Cartwright of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services facilitated two virtual ACE...

Resilience Week VA 2020!

The Greater Richmond TICN is leading efforts for the first annual Resilience Week for Virginia. Resilience Week VA is May 3-9, 2020. Check out the GRTICN Resilience Week webpage to find flyers, an infograph with ideas for each day of the week and handouts of ways to practice the themes on each day. Hooray for VA!

Systems of Trauma: Racial Trauma Issue Brief []

Family And Children's Trust (FACT) Fund of Virginia just released their latest issue brief! SYSTEMS OF TRAUMA : Racial Trauma explores how racial trauma intersects and exacerbates trauma caused by family violence. In order to do so effectively, the brief will review issues of structurally embedded inequalities, individual actions that cause racial trauma, the effects of racial trauma on communities of color, and strategies for individuals, communities, professionals and organizations to...

Promoting Agency & Employee Wellness

Wellness is a key ingredient to building a more resilient workforce and has been a big part of the journey in becoming trauma-informed. I was asked by a police lieutenant last week what our agency, Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now) does to promote wellness. I told him about recent activities that I've organized within the CAC TFT Program (Child Advocacy Center Trauma-Focused Treatment Program) that I oversee and about ongoing agency efforts. This conversation got me thinking that...

Trauma-Informed Journey with a local Department of Social Services (Richmond, VA)

Our Trauma-Informed journey began with the Henrico Department of Social Services (DSS) in the fall of 2012 when we approached their leadership with a proposal to partner with the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) to create a Trauma-Informed Child Welfare System. We began by developing a TIMELINE of activities (please note we set out to complete things in one year - little did we realize at the time that the process is always ongoing!). The first step on the timeline...

Trauma-Informed work within Legal/Courts Systems

Hi all & happy 2018! Our Greater Richmond TICN formed a Trauma-Informed Legal/Courts Committee two years ago with the intention of bringing a focus to professionals within the disciplines related to legal/courts (law enforcement, prosecutors, defense attorneys, sheriffs, judges, clerks, probation/parole officers, detention center staff). We know that these professionals are exposed to primary, secondary and vicarious trauma on a regular basis and acknowledged that training and supports...

Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessments

Hi all** - Attached is a document with a list of trauma-informed organizational assessments that the Greater Richmond TICN has been working on for a while. When we began looking for information about helping organizations to become trauma-informed, we started with searching for assessment measures. We have always started from the place that many organizations and professionals are already doing many things that are trauma-informed and wanted to make sure to assess what areas were presenting...

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