Childhood Disrupted
I am not sure if anyone has seen this or if this was shared before because I have been MIA for a while .. but I got this today and thought it was too cool not to share .. ...
I am not sure if anyone has seen this or if this was shared before because I have been MIA for a while .. but I got this today and thought it was too cool not to share .. ...
This article, written by Lynn Hecht Schafran and published in the Summer 2014 issue of The Judges Journal , discusses current science on the impact that witnessing domestic violence has on children's developing brains. ...
Last week Washington State Supreme Court heard information from experts about what goes on in the brains of adolescents. It is a fairly long video but very important to understand why the teenage does what they do. There is also some conversation...
This TEDx talk is so powerful it was a TED Editors Pick for the week ...;Featured-Talks I will be going in to the prison on Monday and would love to share your thoughts and comments...
Many different therapies are available for those who experience childhood trauma, but University of Saskatchewan psychology professor Jorden Cummings is working towards developing services focusing on the parents and strengthening the entire family....
On Friday the Education Committee of the Washington State House held a work session where trauma and homelessness were addressed. Here is the video link to that hearing and the accompanying power points Olympia 11/22 ...
Maltreatment during childhood can lead to long-term changes in brain circuits that process fear, researchers say. This could help explain why children who suffer abuse are much more likely than others to develop problems like anxiety and depression...
Those who grew up poor later had impaired brain function as adults—a disadvantage researchers could literally see in the activity of the amygdala and prefrontal cortex on an fMRI scan. Children who were poor at age 9 had greater activity in the...
A very interesting perspective !!
Take a look at the criminal records of the almost 2 million people incarcerated in the U.S. and you’ll probably assume their troubles began when they committed their crimes. As sheriffs who manage facilities housing tens of thousands of inmates...
Today in Switzerland, the 135 members of the Human Brain Project gathered to kick off the 10 year global project that will give us a deeper and more meaningful understanding of how the human brain operates. This project is...
There are no words I can use to describe this video, it says it all !!!;eventID=2013090044
The 2013 KIDS COUNT Data Book provides a detailed picture of how children are faring in the United States. In addition to ranking states on overall child well-being, the Data Book ranks states in four domains: Economic...
You'd expect bullies to grow up to get in trouble with the law. But children who are consistently bullied also are more likely to run afoul of the law as adults, including being arrested and jailed....
"As the children grew, the researchers did many evaluations to tease out environmental factors that could be affecting their development. On the upside, they found that children being raised in a nurturing home - measured by such factors as caregiver...
“The quality of a child’s relationship with its parent will be influenced by the amount of stress the parent’s under, so if the parent is dealing with domestic violence, homelessness, poverty then their resources for creating a...
When the co-parental relationship is not supportive, children suffer. For example, husbands who show little warmth or are abusive towards their wives, have wives who are more likely to feel emotionally drained, irritable, and distracted. This...
The study showed that a female’s exposure to distress, even before she conceives, causes changes in the expression of a gene linked to the stress mechanism in the body—in the ovum and later in the brains of the offspring....
I was researching a case from way back when and found this article that just made me think about how far we have come .. Kids without a Conscience .. It is in the google news format so a little tricky to read but if you use the blue box on the...
I am looking for people who have experience or an understanding of how ACE's can cause criminal conduct to share with me any significant information that I can use at a legislative hearing to show that sometimes the "victims" are not on the outside....;eventID=2013021032