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Maggie Litgen

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Posts By Maggie Litgen

Two studies point to the power of teacher-student relationships to boost learning (Hechinger Report)

" Published in the June 2018 issue of the Economics of Education Review, the researchers found that this increased student-teacher familiarity led to higher test scores, albeit a small increase, after controlling for students’ prior academic achievement and teacher differences. The benefits of getting the same teacher twice in a row were largest for minority students. And when a large share of classmates had the same teacher as before, even kids who were new to the class posted higher than...

Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis []

Excerpt from the New York Times Magazine. Full article here . "The reasons for the black-white divide in both infant and maternal mortality have been debated by researchers and doctors for more than two decades. But recently there has been growing acceptance of what has largely been, for the medical establishment, a shocking idea: For black women in America, an inescapable atmosphere of societal and systemic racism can create a kind of toxic physiological stress, resulting in conditions —...

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