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Marcia Fervienza

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Posts By Marcia Fervienza

Parenting, COVID and Teens: The Hassle

It all started for me about two weeks ago. Even though I heard about Coronavirus here and there, it was just a distant conversation happening on the background for me. Until one day, I got home from work, and my husband said we had to start stocking up for the crisis . "Crisis? Which crisis?", I asked. "The outbreak! It is serious. My company is preparing us to work from home for at least four weeks". "Get out of here," I thought. He is known for being anxious and controlling, so I scratched...

The Highly Sensitive Person on an Emotionally Neglectful Environment - by Dr Jonice Webb on PsychCentral

The Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) In research that has gone on since the late 1990s, psychologists and neuroscientists have found that a fraction of the population is simply “wired” differently than most (Aron, E. & Aron, A., 1997). In 1997, Elaine Aron, Ph.D. wrote The Highly Sensitive Person. She describes the HSP as more sensitive to sounds, textures, and essentially all outside stimulation than average. HSPs also think more about decisions and actions, and naturally process more...

Intergenerational Trauma and the Cycle of Child Abuse: A Personal Story

This picture tells part of my story. I didn't have an easy childhood (from an emotional and psychological perspective). Even though the things I've lived may have been common for that time, it was not by any means traditional, and it was certainly very hard for me to go through. And that led me to adopt with my first child a lot of the behaviors I was inflicted on by my mom. While I was concerned with protecting her from many of the situations that I was put through, I was repeating others...

Dads can pass trauma, lifestyle and diet to their children through their sperm, study says []

We know babies inherit genes from their parents but they don’t tend to be environmental factors carried on from parent to children. But a new study shows that sperm can pass traumas that men have experienced in their lives, as well as other lifestyle choices such as diet to their kids. Sperms carry ‘epigenetic’ marks the determine how a child’s cells develop, according to researchers at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Their research comes after a study showed that sons of Union...

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