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Michael G Williams MSW

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Member Rank: #233

Communities Michael G Williams MSW Belongs To

We want to make San Bernardino County the national leader in prevention and recovery from ACEs. To do so, we are creating the conditions for all educators, health care, behavioral health, social service and law enforcement professionals to apply evidence-based best practices with partners across disciplines.
A group bringing together professionals, community members, and advocates who share a passion to reduce trauma and build resiliency in Alameda County. Please use this group as a forum to share information, exchange ideas and host dialogue that lead to practical and community centered solutions.
A hub for sharing information about HOPE and working together to build strategies, programs and tools based on the HOPE positive experiences framework. as part of a strength-based framework to address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
Resilience at work. What does it mean to be trauma-informed at work? How is it defined and assessed? How do we measure success? What policies, protocols, and training exist? How does becoming trauma-informed change us and our work? We share the nuts and bolts of becoming a trauma-informed organization and our struggles, questions, and successes, too.
Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela
We have come together to understand and to raise awareness about the impact that adverse childhood experiences have on our children, our friends and neighbors, and our community.
This community is for resource and referral (R&R) staff implementing California's Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children (Bridge Program). This forum is for you to share resources, ask questions, and connect with fellow R&Rs to plan & implement trauma-informed care training and coaching for child care providers throughout California.
The California Essentials for Childhood Initiative uses a public health and collective impact approach to align and enhance collaborative efforts to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for children, youth and families through systems, policy and social norms change.
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
We are educating people and raising awareness in Del Norte County about ACEs and resiliency. Our hope is for everyone in Del Norte and Adjacent Tribal Lands (DNATL) to live in a resilient community and integrate trauma-informed practices into all areas of their lives!
Our mission is to prevent and heal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) by promoting ideas, policies, and practices that increase awareness, compassion, and resilience in El Dorado County. Our vision is that everyone thrives in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment.
The First 5 Association Trauma Informed Collaborative aims to build awareness, share information, and knowledge about best practices to improve the ability of First 5 commissions to integrate Trauma Informed Care into our work across the state of California.
We are a collection of institutions, school districts, community based organizations and businesses that have a common desire to make our communities trauma informed for the purpose of building resilience in our youth, families, neighborhoods and county.
Bringing together partners and community committed to preventing trauma, sharing wisdom, and bringing culturally-relevant, trauma-informed healing to Stockton.
We are educating and raising awareness about ACEs and resiliency in Humboldt County. Our hope is to empower our people to prevent ACEs, actively work to heal trauma, and build resilience for all children, families and their communities through a collective understanding of trauma-responsive practices.
A platform for community members, professionals and leaders to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience in L.A. County.
CTAT promotes the general awareness of adverse childhood experience and the importance of resiliency to develop consistent and collaborative messaging to explain the impact of trauma.
Join the movement to prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience in Napa County. Our intent is that everyone in Napa County is educated about ACEs and integrates trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their work, family, community and individual lives. This is a place to work collaboratively to transform our county to one of hope, compassion, healing and resilience for all.
The members of this group stretch from Sonoma County, across to Plumas County and all the way up to the Oregon border. Given the size of this geographic region we have meetups in local areas. Sometimes, two or three of us just have lunch to get acquainted, and find new ways to connect each others' work.  Please join us!
Regionally, our goal is to inform and educate the North Coast communities to recognize and respond to the impact of traumatic stress on children and families such that in collaboration, we act with all those who are involved with the child, to facilitate and support the recovery and resiliency of the child, the family, and ultimately, each community.
A platform for community members, professionals and leaders to collaborate across sectors in a movement to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), heal from trauma, and build resilience in Orange County.
Identify and promote practices that build child caregiver capabilities and improve child outcomes including: the impact of childcare business decisions; building child caregiver skills and resilience; child caregiver turnover; child caregiver ACE histories and healthy boundaries in the workplace.
We share ideas, information and stories about mitigating the effects of adverse childhood experiences in the K-12 environment. 
Connecting and informing the faith community how to integrate PACE concepts into the faith-based community.
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?
“We have the capacity, within ourselves, to create better health," writes Donna Jackson Nakazawa. We can improve our health no matter what our ACE score. Learn resilience practices that reduce stress hormones in our bodies & brains. Understand how pain, shame & trauma make self-healing harder. Explore research & resources. Share stories, struggles & successes. Practice resilience.
Resources, posts, discussions, chats about national efforts to build a trauma-informed, resilience-building nation.
Resilient Amador is dedicated to working together to promote a trauma-informed community through education, prevention, support, and advocacy, thereby raising the standard of care for all. We transform systems, individuals, families, and businesses to integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into everyone’s work, community and personal lives.
Resilient Berkeley is a cross sector, community driven collaborative committed to building Berkeley's capacity to prevent and heal trauma.
Working in partnership with Lake County Children’s Council, Lake County Child Welfare, Lake Family Resource Center, First 5 Lake, Lake County Probation, Redwood Community Services, Tribal members, Health Leadership Network and others to unify countywide efforts to raise awareness of ACEs,work collectively to reduce trauma,and build individual and community resilience.
We aim to raise awareness about the prevalence of ACEs in our community; increase trauma sensitive practices and policies; foster inter-agency collaboration to better serve residents; and improve practices at the direct service level. Our goal is to reduce barriers to high quality clinical, educational, health, and support services for residents who have experienced trauma and mental health needs
Resilient Sacramento is dedicated to preventing and reducing the number of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and traumatic events that can result in toxic stress affecting physical, social and emotional well-being . We are a diverse collective of individuals and organizations committed to supporting public policy and change that promotes healing and resiliency in the greater Sacramento Area.
Resilient Santa Clara County (SCC) PACES Network strives to prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience with dignity and hope for all in Santa Clara County.
Community Partners committed to building a Resilient Solano County
We're educating people in Yolo County, CA, about ACEs. Our intent is that everyone in Yolo County integrate trauma-informed and resilience-building practices into their work, family, community and individual lives.
This is the online platform for our ACEs, trauma-informed, and resilience-building movement. It is a call to action- a place to work collaboratively across sectors and communities, to transform our county to one of hope, healing, and resilience for all. It is based on the socio-ecological model, collective impact strategies, and resident-driven approaches to prevention, intervention, and advocacy.
A platform for students, academic professionals and university community partners to collaborate across departments to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), integrate trauma informed practices and policies throughout campus, and build a resilient San Diego State University.
This group seeks to: 1) Understand what we do, what we do well, and call upon each other to collaborate. 2) Create a healing space for folks to work together across sectors. 3) Create a structured way to lift up each other’s work, align resources, and prevent fragmentation. 4) Use technology to communicate differently and stop traumatizing already traumatized systems.
Bringing together professionals, community members, and advocates who share a passion to reduce trauma and build resiliency in Siskiyou County. Share information, exchange ideas and host dialogue that lead to practical and community centered solutions.
We bring the community together to nurture Positive Childhood Experiences, prevent, heal, and treat ACEs while promoting resiliency.
The State PACEs Action is the go-to location for ACEs activities in U.S. states.
Strategies 2.0 Sierra Region ACES Connection provides a forum for representatives from programs and services throughout the Sierra Nevada Region to learn and share strategies for enhancing child and family well-being.
Films have been instrumental in helping us understand individual, generational, and historical trauma - and healing. Documentaries can inspire and inform public policy and system-level change as well and that is why ACEs Connection, CTIPP, and the Relentless School Nurse have come together to stream documentaries from this community site , quarterly, starting in September of 2020.
Shining a light on the science of ACEs as we move along the path towards hope, health and healing in our community.
A collaborative of UC Davis and UC Davis Health community members addressing trauma and building resilience across the lifespan
Inspired by the science surrounding brain development, the importance of early experiences, impacts of toxic stress and the potential of human resilience, we endeavor to strengthen families and improve outcomes for children through building a trauma-informed Ventura County.
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