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Michael Skinner

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Points: 10,468
Member Rank: #28

Communities Michael Skinner Belongs To

This is the dedicated global community of individuals who support or lead PACEs initiatives online & on-the-ground who gather here to discuss the process of utilizing the Growing Resilient Communities framework to start & growing resilient communities, exchange evidence-based practices, and practice-based evidence. Questions, ideas, and shared resources are all welcome!
Resilience at work. What does it mean to be trauma-informed at work? How is it defined and assessed? How do we measure success? What policies, protocols, and training exist? How does becoming trauma-informed change us and our work? We share the nuts and bolts of becoming a trauma-informed organization and our struggles, questions, and successes, too.
Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela
Indigenous Wisdom, supported by Western Medicine and ACEs science, will heal all living things, (animal life, plant life, Mother Earth, human beings). The prophecy of Crazy Horse is manifesting. We are the Seventh Generation.
We can stop the intergenerational transmission of toxic stress and build a thriving community of happy, healthy, resilient families when we focus on empowering parents, caregivers and organizations that support families. This is a site to identify community assets, educate one another, share our experiences, co-create initiatives, and take action!
We advocate for the bio/psycho/social well being of foster children. We recognize, acknowledge and validate the trauma endured by children placed in foster care. We embrace the capacity of healing and ultimate recovery for foster children with family, community and professional support.
Connecting and informing the faith community how to integrate PACE concepts into the faith-based community.
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?
“We have the capacity, within ourselves, to create better health," writes Donna Jackson Nakazawa. We can improve our health no matter what our ACE score. Learn resilience practices that reduce stress hormones in our bodies & brains. Understand how pain, shame & trauma make self-healing harder. Explore research & resources. Share stories, struggles & successes. Practice resilience.
Shining a light on the science of ACEs as we move along the path towards hope, health and healing in our community.
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