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Myrna Martin

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Posts By Myrna Martin

Level 1 Pre and Perinatal Education with Myrna Martin

One Spot Left in the week long Level 1 Residential Training at Myrna' home in Vancouver Canada... The training provides an opportunity to understand the primal period, from preconception through the first year of life is vital for anyone who works therapeutically with people, including infants, children, families or adults.

Module Six: Couples, From an Attachment Perspective

This Module delineates the dynamics of couples interaction and suggests effective tools for working with these issues.I am very excited about this module, as couple relationship and parenting is where, as adults, our own early attachment and adverse experiences most REVEAL themselves.  It can also be a place where resiliency shines.

About Module Five: Ancestral Double Binds

In this module, we will explore ancestral influences on individuation/connection, and merging dynamics. As the twin and multiple birth rate is continuing to increase this module also looks at twin pregnancy, the impact of losing a twin during pregnancy, and growing up as a twin.  I will delineate the difference between identical and fraternal twins and because more twins mean more breech positions for babies about to be born we will also look briefly at breech birth.

About Module Four: Chemical and Surgical Imprinting During Birth

This module marks a big transition in this video series...Chemical and surgical interventions, or the presence of them in our early life strongly and effectively take us out of our bodies and beings.  We will delve into the signature patterns of these interventions in our autonomic nervous systems. This module shows ways to help us stay in our bodies, in present time, and how to support others to do this.

About Module Three: Vaginal Birth

Like conception and implantation, birth requires an intention to be born, and preparation – the baby actually initiates labour, and must move into an optimal position if a relativity easy birth is to occur. The action of the actual birth stages is dynamic, and the baby is actively involved in that movement.

About Module Two: Preconception and Conception Journey

When we begin to reveal to ourselves all that babies and young children need and deserve to optimally grow and be themselves, it may bring up some of the experiences of what we didn’t get and wanted.   We will discuss skills of orienting, tracking and titrating autonomic nervous system cycling, modulating therapeutic pace, and recognizing the therapeutic leading edge.

“Healing Early Developmental Trauma”: New Video Series

This 13 module video series is 78 hours of video, course notes, references, articles and other relevant resources, plus monthly online support calls. Module 1: Attachment. Attachment is the scientific name for a biological communication system that gets set up between a baby and their family from the prenatal period through the first few years. Myrna is having a special sale off the full series for Spring: MARCH 21 to MAY 21, 2017 at 30% off the regular price.

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