Posts By Nicholas Cota

From Trauma To Resilience: Comprehensive Trauma-Informed Care Training
Minneapolis, MN

From Trauma To Resilience: Comprehensive Trauma-Informed Care Training
Minneapolis, MN
From Our Experts: ACE-Informed Workflows at Gundersen Health System
ACE-Informed Workflows: Gundersen Health System — Denyse Olson-Dorff , PsyD and Afton Koball , PhD, ABPP As the landscape of healthcare changes, healthcare systems must respond with new approaches to improve the health of communities. Identifying and responding to social conditions that affect health have been suggested as important next steps in healthcare. Now 20 years old, the landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study) (Felitti, et. al, 1998) was among the first to show...
Less than 10 spots remain for our From Trauma to Resilience training in Minneapolis
Only a few spots remain for our training, From Trauma to Resilience: Fostering Hope Through Trauma-Informed Care, on Sept. 27, 2017. This full day, comprehensive training is designed to help you develop the unique skill-set needed to support individuals who have experienced adverse childhood experiences and traumatic events. What participants told us they learned: TIC is a philosophical shift and not a diagnosis for PTSD ACEs are prevalent across all economic levels Trauma manifests into...
Call for presentation proposals!
Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center invites you to submit a speaker proposal for the Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Summit, Feb. 28 - March 2, 2018, in Orlando, Fla. This event appeals to professionals who work in the field of violence intervention and prevention, including: Child protection services, law enforcement, forensic interviewing, legal, victim advocacy and youth-serving organizations. We cover a wide variety of topics related to adverse childhood...
Dr. A.J. : New approach in treating trauma has potential
Thought I would share this article I came across with all of you! "Despite what many think and believe, humans are equipped with limited ways to deal with trauma. After a traumatic event, we may numb out, distract ourselves, compartmentalize our reactions, act out or intellectualize the event. There is a ‘thinking and feeling’ aspect to these defence mechanisms. There are also body-based reactions that lead us to “fight, flee, freeze or flock.” In an ideal situation, one would have a...
From Our Experts at Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center and Center for Effective Discipline
Our faculty respond to the Child Abuse & Neglect article, Spanking and adult mental health impairment: The case for the designation of spanking as an adverse childhood experience. The link to the abstract they are responding to was posted on this page and can be found here. http://www.acesconnection.com/...y-spanking-is-an-ace Lacie Ketelhut, CHES, program coordinator, Center for Effective Discipline Most adults don't consider the potential life-long impact of spanking as a form of...
From Trauma to Resilience on-site training
From Trauma to Resilience: Fostering Hope Through Trauma-Informed Care As we know, early life experiences are the foundational building blocks for development, learning, and health throughout a person’s lifetime. Trauma can have a long-term effect on well-being and functioning for children, adults, families, and our community. Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center (Gundersen NCPTC) has developed a new training on adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and trauma-informed care...
From Trauma to Resilience flier
Time is running out to join us at our Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) Summit
On June 20th in Rogers, Arkansas, Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center will be kicking off their Violence Intervention and Prevention Summit. As a leader in the field of child protection, Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center has developed advanced courses in forensic interviewing, prevention, addressing the spiritual needs of maltreated children and reforming undergraduate training of future child protection professionals. Offering a broad variety of session...
From Trauma to Resilience: Fostering Hope Through Trauma-Informed Care
Minneapolis, MN