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Patricia Wilcox LCSW

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Posts By Patricia Wilcox LCSW

Trauma Informed Care is Essential- How Will We Know If We Are Doing It?

Interest in trauma-informed care (TIC) is growing rapidly in the United States and internationally. In the 60 Minute segment on this topic , aired Sunday, March 11 th , Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce Perry described trauma-informed care and gave examples from Saint A’s agency. Oprah stated that the story of trauma-informed care “has had more impact on me than practically anything I’ve ever done.” She added “…it is so important to me, and I believe to our culture, that if I could dance on the...

Do Staff Relationships Matter? How Can We Improve Them?

This month at Partner for Healing we are discussing work place relationships. Are they important? Research from Gallup shows us that employees rating of the social support they get at work correlates with how satisfied they are with their jobs.An article by Kyle D. Killian, Helping Till It Hurts? A Multimethod Study of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Self-Care in Clinicians Working With Trauma Survivors (Traumatology Volume 14 Number 2 June 2008 32-44 © 2008 Sage Publications) describes...

New! Free Modules for Training New Employees to Delivery High Quality Trauma-Informed Care

Important Free Resource for You! On our Partner for Healing Blog we are featuring a series of training exercises designed for new employees. We have been hearing from our community that agencies are having to hire inexperienced staff, and need help in getting those staff ready to deliver quality trauma-informed care. So, we have designed a ten-module training series for new staff. This training series is designed to augment the basic agency training (such as Risking Connection) and prepare...

The Traumatic Stress Institute is Hiring!

Dear Colleagues, We are excited to announce a new job opportunity at the Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) of Klingberg Family Centers . The Program Coordinator is a senior-level position in a growing department that is a leader in the field of trauma-informed care. The Traumatic Stress Institute's mission is to foster healing relationships for survivors of trauma and adverse childhood experiences by promoting excellence in trauma-informed care (TIC). TSI began with implementation of...

Our Use of Language- and New Course

Unique Trauma-Informed Care Course Coming Soon Making It Real is a unique course- there is nothing else like it. It is NOT a course in which individuals go through the course and get some new knowledge about trauma and how it affects the brain. Those courses are very valuable. But that’s not what this is. Making It Real is a course for a TEAM to IMPROVE THEIR TREATMENT . As a team, you work through it together. You learn from the videos. The Resources enlarge your options and possibilities.

Crucial Concepts in Trauma-Informed Care

In March, the Partner for Healing blog covered several crucial concepts in trauma-informed care. Use any of these posts to start an in-depth discussion with your team! The first post looked at The Primacy of Safe ty. Nothing good can happen when the child does not feel safe. . So how can we create and measure safety? This post includes free sample client and family safety questionnaires. Then we moved on to effective action, in Trauma Steals the Ability to Act- Do We Make It Better or Worse?

Responding to Staff Resistance to Trauma-Informed Care

This month at Partner for Healing we have focused on responding to common staff concerns about implementing trauma-informed care. I’m sure you have heard all of these! On Partner you can get some ideas about how to respond. We would also be interested in other concerns you hear, and also other responses you have found effective. Please put these in the comment section. You can also download a PDF summary of all of these. The concerns we cover are: If we stop giving severe consequences, chaos...

Training Exercises for Use in Staff Meetings and Refreshers

During the month of January, Partner for Healing provided you with short training exercises to promote trauma-informed care. These exercises were designed for use in existing meetings such as staff meetings, treatment teams and refreshers. They will help your staff develop a deeper understanding of the experiences of people who have endured trauma, and a greater appreciation  of trauma strategies for change.  The first topic was What Helps People Change , in which we explore our...

RICH Relationships in December- It Ain’t Easy to Offer Respect, Information, Connection and Hope

Anyone who has taken the Risking Connection training knows that a key element is that the path to healing is through a RICH relationship- one that includes Respect, Information, Connection and Hope. This is such a central point that the publisher, Sidran, has copywrite protected the concept independently. In our training we ask participants to share ways in which they are currently demonstrating RICH with the clients, and also with each other in their team. Because, amazingly, it turns out...

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