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Penny Payton

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Posts By Penny Payton

How adverse childhood experiences led to mindfulness

This post is written with our lifestyles of today in mind. As we steamroll our way through life it’s not often we take time to check in with ourselves emotionally. We’ve grown accustomed to seeking an immediate fix from an outside source, turning inward feels counterproductive. The quicker we can find an answer and the less we have to think about it the better. Facing ourselves emotionally is not something we’ve generally been trained to do. And now we’ve created a vortex, a loop which...

I took seven years off work, focused on me and this is what happened

It wasn’t something I saw coming. I was pretty solid. I’d been at my job for twenty-seven years; owned my own home and really thought I knew what I was doing in this life. Then, out of the blue, I nearly died, then after taking time away from work, I returned to learn my assistant was getting fired. I was physically and emotionally being tested and I wasn’t up to the challenge. I had no choice but to step away. The problem was, once I’d rested and processed the shock and drama of it all,...

Emotional vs. mental health

I had a crappy childhood and I spent most of my life overweight struggling to control my food intake and literally couldn't help myself around food. What I learned was it wasn't a lifestyle choice, because no one wants to be fat. It was a problem with...

Unburdened Chapter One

Thank you all for looking at the introduction to  my story. I'm sharing the first chapter here. Love to hear what you all think! Thanks again for reading.    First thoughts   “If you get the inside right the outside will fall...

Unburdened, Validating ourselves

I struggled with food and weight for over fifty years because of my childhood. I finally found a way out...I'm writing a book on the subject, here is the introduction.   Let me start by saying…no one consciously wants to be overweight. The...

Unburdened, my story

I have just taken a three year long journey to process all my childhood trauma and pain. It started out as a way to lose weight, which I think is a problem for a lot of us who suffered trauma.I had my biggest success by being open to hearing what my...

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