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Peter Chiavetta

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Posts By Peter Chiavetta

It is easy to start the conversation through the trauma lens.

Recently I had a patient that had many years of dialysis and recently a kidney transplant. The emergency was a vehicle accident but with no life-threatening physical trauma, I dived into the real trauma. My patient emigrated to the United States after struggling in his homeland as a child, then spent five years in a refugee camp. He had poor health with kidney failure. Our conversation covered the possible trauma of life contributed to his kidney failure to joking about my E-pcr (electronic...

Connect the dots between cancer and community violence

Governor Cuomo’s cancer research initiative missed violence in research area. Here's an article that demonstrates that. BUFFALO NEW 11/13/2019 Schiller Park neighborhood experiences the most gun violence over last nine years By Aaron Besecker NEWS STAFF REPORTER Kareem Allen knows what it’s like to live in a part of Buffalo where gun violence is commonplace. Allen owns a business in a section of the city – a slice of the Schiller Park neighborhood near the Cheektowaga border – that’s had...

Governor Cuomo’s Cancer Research Initiative Disappointing. No ACES included.

I attended the presentation of Governor Cuomo's Cancer Research Initiative at the Buffalo Science Museum October 22, 2019. Brad Hutton Deputy Health Commissioner State of NY presented. Erie County Health Commissioners in attendance. It had all the data on the 4 major cancers in the East Side of Buffalo, NY. I'm all excited. Prepared with 2 dozen ACE handouts. Sat quietly for the 45 minute power...

Second Chance ?

I’m Peter Chiavetta, 1st Assistant Fire Chief in my local fire department. I respond to EMS 911 calls every week. I received this dispatch during the evening. Meet PD for mental health transport. Upon my arrival I am briefed by PD that I have a victim of a suicide attempt. My patient put a shot gun in their mouth and pulled the trigger. 99.9997 percent of the time a bullet primer will fire. That’s how reliable it is. This time there was a missed fire. My patient gets a second chance at life.

Government Legislation Demonizes Smokers

Erie County legislators, in their infinite wisdom have passed legislation outlawing the sale of tobacco products in drug stores and their host stores they may operate in. "There is no such thing as responsible smoking" is their war cry, which is an attempt to demonize smokers. I felt the need to write an opinion in our local paper.

Does Amazon music know more about us than we think? Providing ACEs awareness for a teen in a traffic accident.

So I pulled up my Amazon music app one day and there was a suggested song for me. The song started with "I thought I could take this to my grave. But instead I let it bury me." Wow if this isn't ACES in your faces.... The last example of ACEs awareness I provided was for a minor involved in a motor vehicle accident. As I was accessing my patient's present health for a sign off, I informed them that they may have an arrhythmia and they should follow up with their doctor. This freaked them out...

Trip to New Orleans

I recently return from my vacation in New Orleans. My daughter traveled there the year prior and made the St. Charles Street streetcar sound like a travel back into time. This was no Disney ride. It's a working mass transit and we were on it during the rush hour. My Diane and I were separated and she found a seat up front. I was content to stay in the back and hold on. Doing the tourist thing of asking the question of "Where ya from?" Low and behold I'm standing with another Buffalo Bills...

Health Leadership Fellows/Health Foundation of Western and Central New York

Today, Health Leadership Fellows met and discussed Policy Briefing on Trauma Informed Care. Speakers were; Commissioner Vicki Grant, MSW Allegany County Department of Social Services. Her agency started TIC in 2006. Her county is a population of 48,000. She stated before TIC was initiated, her agency had difficulty attracting staff. As TIC was implemented within her organization, people seek out her agency for employment. Because of TIC, Social Services integrate their efforts in order to...

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