Posts By Rachel E. Grant

The #1 way to make life easier....
Tidy vs. cluttered?
Victor Frankl describes in Man's Search for Meaning the intake process he went through at a concentration camp. Among the things he describes, one thing particularly caught my attention - the moment when each person is directed to hand over all of their possessions. The men and women are stripped of their clothing and all personal effects. In this desperate moment, there were various attempts to hold on to material things - a wedding ring, a good luck charm, a photo, or, for Frankl, his...

Thrive Tribe: Overcoming Self-Sabotage
How to gain perspective about distressing situations
Is it okay to embrace your messy self?
As we slide into 2024, I want to invite you today to truly consider what would radically change about your life if you were to give yourself permission to be messy? And I'm not talking about dirty dishes, unfolded laundry, or dust that you can write your initials in ;) I'm talking about the same kind of messy that Anne-Marie Marron refers to in her article Permission To Be ‘Messy’ . One of the things I'm constantly exploring with my clients is how we must put to bed the idea that "healed"...
Year of the Inner Child: Reflection
Can you feel grateful for people you don't like?
Year of the Inner Child: Holidays
Aaliyah Hammer-Furbert: The Power of Collective Healing
Year of the Inner Child: Patience
Self-Compassion Meditation for Releasing Pain in the Body
Year of the Inner Child: Anger

Thrive Tribe: Boundaries Bootcamp
Year of the Inner Child: Inner Voice
Break free of rumination & spiral thinking
Year of the Inner Child: Rest
Year of the Inner Child: Approval
Keeper: Brothers – The Hidden Victims When a Sister is Abused
Are your head, heart, and body connected?
Year of the Inner Child: Consistency
How to cope with eating through the holidays...
It's that time of year when we face a whirlwind of holidays....Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa --- oy! These holidays can demand of lot our energy, time, and people points. It can also be a time of loneliness and challenges with family. No matter what, it's a time of year where self-resourcing, self-soothing, and coping are super necessary! So, I thought I'd share with you all a series I did with the amazing Kristen Kancler on how to cope with eating through the...
Year of the Inner Child: Friendships
Get Off the Negative Thought Train
Year of the Inner Child: Reparenting
Year of the Inner Child: Change
Camil: My Voice, My Truth
Micro Movements for Improving Balance (exercise begins at 2:00)
Year of the Inner Child: Mastery
Year of the Inner Child: Demanding
Year of the Inner Child: Intelligence
Folding Into Oneself: Generating Safety
Year of the Inner Child: Bullies
Amy: Creating Safety in Intimate Relationships
Year of the Inner Child: Movement
Do you feel strong in your body?
Lessons from Patch Adams
Back in 1999, I attended a lecture given by Hunter "Patch" Adams, whose life is the inspiration for the movie "Patch Adams" starring Robin Williams. I found Patch’s message struck a resounding cord and adequately named what it is that is hurting our relationships, our communities, and our world. I recently rediscovered the notes I took that evening and couldn't resist sharing them here. Take the ones that make you jump and share them, post them, remember them. “Serve Humanity” Patch inspires...