Communities Rebecca Fears Belongs To
PublicActive575 Members
Indigenous Wisdom, supported by Western Medicine and ACEs science, will heal all living things, (animal life, plant life, Mother Earth, human beings). The prophecy of Crazy Horse is manifesting. We are the Seventh Generation.
PublicActive578 Members
PublicActive149 Members
An online platform to foster communication and collaboration across communities and sectors in Texas with the goal of promoting ideas, policies and practices that reduce and prevent childhood adversity, build resilience in individuals and families, and help those affected by trauma to heal and thrive.
PublicActive153 Members
The Walla Walla Valley's ACEs Connection is a learning community hosted by the Community Resilience Initiative whose goal is to share resilience-based tools and ideas in order to improve community health . Please join our group to share your news as we build resiliency in the Walla Walla Valley! Visit us online at