Posts By Rene Howitt
Parenting and Childhood Development Video
Let's make sure our high school students are enrolling parenting and child development classes
I just wanted to share a recent podcast interview. Those of you who have followed me know I'm all about promoting the need to "Make Parenting Education A National Priority". All of us want to see ACEs significantly reduced moving forward. In fact, Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris has set the goal of 50% reduction within 20 years. I do not see a pathway for this to happen unless we make parenting and child development education a priority in all of our high schools. In this podcast interview I share...
Looking for a specific quote
Speaker Presentation
This week I had the pleasure of speaking at the 15th Annual Cynthia Lockhart Mummery Conference: Understanding Intergenerational Trauma Please contact me if you are planning a conference in 2021 whether in person or virtual. I wanted to share some of the comments I received from those in the audience: I loved it, she provided so much insight in how we can help build resiliency in children. I appreciate all you do. I too live your life every day. Very interesting - a lot of good information...
How Many ACEs Are You Holding
Don't miss out on the free viewing tomorrow 10/13: Access from View “How Many ACEs Are You Holding?” for FREE! Use code ACES-FREE on October 13th, 2020 to see the entire video free . Use this link to view. Coupon will only work on the Vimeo rental page for How Many Aces are You Holding? , not the subscription page.
"How Many ACEs Are You Holding?"
View the full documentary for free on 10/13. "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?" Go to for the rental code. Here is the trailer:
"How Many ACEs Are You Holding?"
I just want to remind everyone COPE24 will be offering a free rental viewing of our newest documentary "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?" next Tuesday 10/13. Just go to, the link to the video and passcode will be awaiting you there. The video is about 59 minutes in length so you can set aside the time to watch it in full.
Free viewing of "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?"
I was asked to offer a free viewing of our new documentary video on the topic of ACEs. Due to my limited knowledge of technology it took a minute to get this set up. Now we can announce: View “How Many ACEs Are You Holding?” for FREE! Use code ACES-FREE on October 13th, 2020 to see the entire video free . Use this link to view. Coupon will only work on the Vimeo rental page for How Many Aces are You Holding? , not the subscription page. This post will appear on the homepage of our website...
COPE24 new documentary "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?"
COPE24 releases new ACEs documentary
New ACEs video now available
COPE24 has spent the last two years working on producing a new documentary video on the topic of ACEs. We have titlted the work "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?" Viewings are now available through our website at Just click on the ACEs playing card on the homepage of our website to view trailer and opt to purchase a viewing for only $6.50.
New video "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?"
We are very happy to announce the release of the trailer of our newest documentary titled "How Many ACEs Are You Holding?" Here is the link to view: You will also find this on the homepage of our website at We plan to have the full documentary uploaded to Vimeo this week. We have been working on this project for nearly two years. We were fortunate to have filmed all of the interviews before covid and so we were able to continue production during...
New ACEs Bible Study release "Family. It's Complicated"
I just wanted the ACEs Connection community to be aware of a new bible study on ACEs. This will officially be released on 11/15 but is available now at a pre-order price. The video link below explains more about the study. If you have any questions please let me know.
Parenting Education a Necessity
I'm new to the ACEs Connection and therefore find myself reading many of the post to sort of catch up. Much focus is on the necessity to recognize the impact that ACE has had on our children and then seek ways to effectively intervene. This must continue. I continue to believe that in order to get ahead of this problem we must make parenting education a priority within our school systems. Most of our schools staff Family Consumer Science teachers that offer courses like parenting and child...