Communities Robbyn Peters Bennett Belongs To
PublicActive207 Members
The Florida ACEs Connection is a collaborative effort of state agencies; schools; institutes of higher learning; faith, community, and grassroots organizations; and other interested individuals; to provide education and training on trauma informed approaches and interventions to mitigate the negative effects of stress and adversity on children and their families.
PublicActive578 Members
PublicActive1,943 Members
How do we honor both lived & learned expertise to break down barriers between parents & professionals? How do PACE-impacted families best access healing, hope & health? How might parent education, training, & support services if co-created with families & in community?
PublicActive58 Members
As a community we strive to prevent trauma, while offering hope and healing to those among us who have experienced childhood adversity. Recognizing life as a continuous series of events e.g. “lifecourse”, we weave together epigenetics (preconception), neurodevelopment (childhood & adolescence), and ACEs science (adult and aging) as we seek pathways to health and wellbeing.
PublicActive140 Members
If you're doing ACEs histories, please do a short blog post or contact one of the community managers so that we can do so for you.
PublicActive71 Members
Support the advancement of children's basic human right to be free from all forms of violence in schools and the home (including corporal punishment, spanking, or other forms of violence).
PublicActive334 Members
A forum to inform and connect individuals and communities working to promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and prevent and mitigate ACEs in Washington State.