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Rona Renner

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Posts By Rona Renner

QUEST Movie: A Benefit for the Coalition on Homelessness

Quest is an important film about trauma, love, and resilience. I know the film maker of Quest, and I know how passionate he is to help people understand about Adverse Childhood Experiences and what can happen when one person believes in you. Santiago Rizzo tells a compelling story of his childhood that all should see. His passion is contagious, and his willingness to speak about trauma, the power of love, and the need for honesty is powerful. I suggest folks go and see this film, and then...

Health Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence

You can listen to About Health, on, 94.1FM, hosted by me (Rona Renner, RN) Listen Here: or here: I was honored today to be joined by Dr. Brigid McCaw and Michiko Scott to discuss Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). I was moved by Michiko's courage to talk about her own experience with IPV. As an IPV survivor she overcame various challenges as an immigrant single mother of...


My guest on today's show on "About Health" on or 94.1FM, will be Lisa Fredericksen, author of hundreds of articles and 11 books, including “If You Loved Me, You’d Stop!,” “Addiction Recovery: What Helps, What Doesn’t,” and “Secondhand Drinking: the Phenomenon That Affects Millions.” You can call in, Toll free 1-800-958-9008, with your questions and experiences about drinking too much or being raised by parents who did. For more information you can go to my web site at...

A Quest To Understand Adoption, Attachment, and Suicide

Join me and my guests, John Brooks and Nancy Newton Verrier, on “About Health.” Monday March 7th from 2-3PM on or 94.1FM. We will discuss, The Girl Behind the Door, A Father’s Quest to Understand His Daughter’s Suicide , by John Brooks. It provides a profound look into adoption, teenage suicide, and attachment issues. When John and Erika’s daughter Casey jumped off of the Golden Gate Bridge in 2008, John began to unravel a heartbreaking truth—Casey had been in pain since birth,...

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