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Sarah Rock, JD

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Posts By Sarah Rock, JD

Innovative Program to Address ACEs in Adults: Brain/Body Disruptions

CA Schools VEBA is recruiting for an Integrated Medicine Program Clinical Lead and a Program Lead. Want to help develop an evidence-based program that addresses ACEs in adults? Create a whole health prevention service that focuses on serving people by considering their brain, body and spirit? Move away from moral injury to deep job satisfaction? CA Schools VEBA in Southern CA is launching a whole health program designed to address root causes of poor physical and behavioral health outcomes...

Parent Voice in Designing Tool for Pediatric Providers

VITAL: Relational Health seeks parents and caregivers who would be willing to consider a new tool being designed for pediatric providers to screen for and respond to families who want support to build safe, stable and nurturing relationships with their children. Total time is estimated at an hour or less. Email if you have questions or would like to know more.

Guidance for Teachers and Counselors to Help Kids at Risk at Home

People are beginning to be aware that one result of the increased stress around COVID-19 is the tragic fact that child abuse and neglect is increasing, but the safety net provided by schools is no longer in place. Teachers and counselors can continue to be a hero to students in this time of crisis, and can help mitigate the negative impact of traumatic events and stress. Caregivers might not be able to do it alone. We (Dr. Rachel Gilgoff, a child abuse pediatrician and trauma expert, and...

An Opportunity the Office of Surgeon General Can't Pass Up

I don't know about you, but I've talked to dozens of people applying for the ACEs Aware RFP, due Feb. 10. Watching myself and my colleagues hustle and brainstorm on how to work together to submit ideas for this opportunity has been very inspiring. Although we have no idea how many grant awards will be made, we know that only a fraction of what must be hundreds of RFP submissions will be funded this year. It would be a tragedy to waste the efforts of those who will have spent many hours on...

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