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Stacy Hirsch

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Posts By Stacy Hirsch

Mind-body Wellness Helps Trauma Survivors in Somalia

MOGADISHU — In Somalia, an exercise program for survivors of sexual violence is helping participants overcome trauma. It's a trendy program in an unlikely place. In classes across the Somali capital of Mogadishu, youths practice breathing, meditation and stretching. Dressed in matching blue track suits, the color of the Somali flag, they hold difficult poses. Read more...

Why Black Lives Matter Ought to Matter to Medical Students: A Familiar Message Revisited []

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” –attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. In December of 2014, one week after the non-indictment in the case of Michael Brown, in-Training published an article entitled “ A Lack of Care: Why Medical Students Should Focus on Ferguson .” In it, Jennifer Tsai argued that the systemic racism rampant in our law enforcement and criminal justice systems also permeates our health care system, affecting both...

Better Help for Child Abuse Victims []

It’s the crime no one wants to believe will occur — the sexual abuse of a child by a family member. Not long ago, it was a crime usually confined to a family’s darkest psychological corners, a secret few children talked about — partly because they lacked the ability to articulate acts that made no sense to them. Add threats by the perpetrator, often a person who is supposed to keep them safe, and it’s a wonder the crime ever got reported... ...

Doing double time: Chronic diseases a chronic problem in prisons []

Gregory Finney, then 37, felt extremely unlucky but in good physical condition when he arrived at Louisiana State Penitentiary in 2001. He had been shipped to the notorious maximum-security prison in Angola to serve 15 years for drug possession and shoplifting. Up to that point in his life, Finney hadn’t worried much about his health, in part because he was too busy scrambling to hold a job and avoid getting arrested. It turned out his health should have been a main concern. Not long after...

Many medical specialists accept shaken baby syndrome as valid medical diagnosis []

A University of Colorado School of Medicine researcher and colleagues have conducted the first-ever survey of physicians on the validity of "abusive head trauma" as a medical diagnosis. While shaking a baby has been recognized as a dangerous form of child abuse since the early 1970s, the validity of "shaken baby syndrome" and "abusive head trauma" has been questioned recently in some major media reports, court decisions and medical literature. In at least one case, a U.S. Supreme Court...

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