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Stacy Hudson

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Points: 346
Member Rank: #900

Communities Stacy Hudson Belongs To

This is the dedicated global community of individuals who support or lead PACEs initiatives online & on-the-ground who gather here to discuss the process of utilizing the Growing Resilient Communities framework to start & growing resilient communities, exchange evidence-based practices, and practice-based evidence. Questions, ideas, and shared resources are all welcome!
This site is a private peer-to-peer community for ACEs Aware grantees to share information, tools and resources. Through this Community, Grantees can communicate about issues and share opportunities and lessons learned. In addition, ACEs Aware webinars, blog posts and grantee information from Aurrera Health Group will be shared and stored here for easy access.
We conduct ACEs awareness activities on behalf of Tulare County. Our focus area is currently on Father Engagement...When it comes to the growth and development of young children, father engagement is incredibly influential. Research has shown that children benefit directly from the involvement of a father in their lives, especially if that father is engaged.
This community is for resource and referral (R&R) staff implementing California's Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children (Bridge Program). This forum is for you to share resources, ask questions, and connect with fellow R&Rs to plan & implement trauma-informed care training and coaching for child care providers throughout California.
A group of practitioners, healers, policy advocates and all other people committed to making California a place that is healthy and safe for everyone.
The collaborative works to train providers and their staff through our supplemental training and encourage discussions surrounding trauma in our peer to peer, and Network of care community events. Our goal is to initiate conversations to help prevent and mitigate the adverse health outcomes associated with ACEs through trauma-informed care.
Identify and promote practices that build child caregiver capabilities and improve child outcomes including: the impact of childcare business decisions; building child caregiver skills and resilience; child caregiver turnover; child caregiver ACE histories and healthy boundaries in the workplace.
We advocate for the bio/psycho/social well being of foster children. We recognize, acknowledge and validate the trauma endured by children placed in foster care. We embrace the capacity of healing and ultimate recovery for foster children with family, community and professional support.
Shining a light on the science of ACEs as we move along the path towards hope, health and healing in our community.
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