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Steve Hein

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Member Rank: #800

Posts By Steve Hein

Cause and effect and "evil"

Once I asked a well-known academic researcher, psychologist and also business consultant in the field of emotional intelligence, David Caruso, why someone would organize others to fly planes into an office building. This was shortly after 911. His answer was, "Because they are evil". I will put a link to a discussion of that below. But for now I just want to say that what Jane is doing with Aces is trying to get a little closer to cause and effect. For example, thanks to Jane's work Jim...

Depression, chickens and eggs

Here is a quote from psychcentral == Depressive disorders often cause acutely uncomfortable feelings such as overwhelming sadness, hopelessness, numbness, isolation... == Hang on? Does this say that depression causes sadness, hopelessnes, feeling alone? Or does extreme sadness, lots of loss, feeling powerless, hopeless and alone cause depression? In other words, which comes first? The chicken or the egg? In my experience, and in my observations, the painful feelings I listed above, along...

The elephants in the room....

Since I am feeling a bit inspired by a Martin Luther King speech I heard yesterday where he said "The time has come for America to hear the truth..." I will say a few more things which I am sure most people don't want to hear.   Hell.  ...

Megan Meier suicide - Mother's role

Tonight I watched this clip again...   I want to point out a few things.   At 1:40 the mother says "This is the part I will never forgive myself for..."   Then she says she was "upset"...

I am in a lot of pain

I am in a lot of pain... and am going to try writing here.   I was just thinking.. "I will try to make the assumption that most people have good intentions"   Like my family. Most of them, if not all of them, have "good intentions."  ...

Positive Psychology is Killing Me

This is a fictional story - By Steve Hein I was a soldier in the US army. I was sent to Afghanistan, then Iraq. I was told we were fighting terrorism. I was told I was defending my country. But I felt bad about what I was doing. I felt guilty for...


it is very hard for me to start this post. i am afraid no one will help me with what i need. i need some encouragement. i need to feel cared about by someone. valued. i dont need it from anyone in particular as much as i need it from people in...

please help me help the teens

Here is an email I just got.... --- Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 16:32:31 -0400 Subject: Teen, Just Want To See What You Think. Hello, my name is David, and I just recently discovered your website as I was just looking for things to.. Help me out.....

Would Jesus Ever Hit a Child?

I have spent some time on Robbyn 's site. I watched her documentary trailer. It got me thinking about this question which I started asking children a few years back.   Here is a little of my writing on that question......

Free PDF on Emotional Literacy

We are working on a new free PDF about emotional literacy and looking for readers to give their feedback.  Here is a link to the free download - 15 pages.   Here is the table of contents   Definition of Emotional Literacy Developing...

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