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Tanya Fritz

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Posts By Tanya Fritz

Trauma-Informed is Messy Business…

Words like trauma-informed and resiliency get thrown around a lot these days. And for many, the visions they call up are a bit too glossy. You see resiliency and trauma-informed aren’t always pretty. Resiliency can look like closing the bathroom door and collapsing in tears… but then washing your face and going back into the world, carrying the belief that you can survive and the hope that things will get better. It looks like begrudgingly going on that walk with a friend, when the little...

Trauma-Informed Care is Not a Program For Your Clients 

Understanding the long-term impact of developmental trauma, how trauma impacts the brain, and the science of resiliency is a powerful first step toward change. It is exciting to watch people begin to let this knowledge soak in… and even more exciting when they begin to ask “Now what?” As I have worked with organizations across the State of South Dakota, I have found that often what they are really looking for is the curriculum or recipe book that they can follow for their clients or...

ACEs and Resiliency Fellows... bringing NEAR Science to SD communities

Twenty-six individuals from multiple sectors across the state were selected to participate in a training and learning community around building self-healing communities. Participants spent two days with Dr. Robert Anda, Laura Porter, and Kathy Adams learning about the impacts of trauma, the ACE study, and how to support positive change within a community. The energy in the room was palpable. Over the course of two days, not only did the group gain knowledge, but a community was formed. So...


This may be one of the most important health issues of our time! Learn More • Join the Conversation • Help Create Solutions CHANGE THE QUESTION We now know that childhood trauma changes the bodies and brains of children, and the way they approach life. Trauma, if left untreated, impacts physical and mental health, social connections, and even lifespan. Understanding what has happened in a person’s past, and helping them see the connection to their current behaviors, emotions, and health can...

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