Posts By Thomas Peter Berntsen

New study: The Long-Term Effect of Childhood Poverty
Lower wages, shorter education, lower grades, and a weaker association with the labour market. Living just one year in poverty during childhood may have long-term negative consequences for adult life.
Hugged App - creating digital tools for people with ACEs
I am starting a project with the aim of developing two products, an app and companion website, for people who've experienced ACEs. The purpose of the products is to support people living their lives as positively and fruitfully as possible by enabling them to work with alleviating the effects of their ACEs on a continuous basis. The products are currently named "Hugged," as I believe that compassion and loving-kindness towards oneself can be a bearer of personal development throughout life.
ACEs Tech Talk 2018 #1
Online - join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/558759649
Make 2018 the Year of Tech Talking ACEs
I will try to do my best to make 2018 the Year of Tech Talking ACEs; that is to facilitate and participate hands-on in the creation of a community producing relevant, usable tech that's supportive to the cause of identifying and preventing ACEs and alleviating the potentially life-long effects of them.
The Development of Technology for ACEs (part 3)
Following off of the work I did in part two of our blog post series on the development of technology for ACEs, where I tried to map out some of the possible needs and areas of functionality we could consider, the next step should be to try and build early-stage mockups and prototypes addressing some of these needs; and validate that the needs are indeed addressed in useful ways. About a year or so ago, I built a working prototype of a subset of the functionality I envisioned could be useful...
ACEs Tech Talk #5 (January 11th)
Virtual, using Skype
The Development of Technology for ACEs (part 2)
Welcome to part 2 of the series on the development of technology for ACEs. This blog post is all about exploring the problem space and ideating: what challenges are people experiencing in this domain, what needs do they have, and what ideas do we have for solving them with technology? Further content to be written later; mind map inserted to support today's ACEs Tech Talk . Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Technology for ACEs on MindMeister. Click here to open the...
ACEs Tech Talk #4 (January 4th)
Virtual, using Skype
Bringing that Tech on the Desert Walk
Throughout most of my adult life, I've been aware of what I later learnt to be ACEs. Those experiences in childhood and early adult life that leave traces in later habits, patterns, feelings and perceptions. I was fortunate. My mom was there, and being very inspiring, knowledgeable and intelligent, she always extended her own faith in humanity, arts, life, love and me to me, encircling me in love and faith in the future, amidst a sea of uncertainty. So did competent teachers, good friends...
ACEs Tech Talk #3
Virtual, using Skype
ACEs Tech Talk #2
Virtual, using Skype
ACEs Tech Talk #1
Skype (online)
Join the ACEs Tech Task Force
Hi guys, As some of you may know, I am working on the development of the ACE Toolkit for professionals, which is a technology toolkit supporting professionals in their work with clients with ACEs (especially screening for ACEs is the current focus). I've also started work on two ACEs apps for people suffering from ACEs, with the goal of enabling children and grownups alike to get in-situ, context-relevant psychoeducational materials, screenings, interventions, peer-support, and mentoring for...
Using Visual Storytelling to Inform About ACEs
Hi guys, I'm a big fan of visual storytelling, as a story told well can touch both the hearts and minds of those learning about it, and telling stories visually, e.g. through movies or interactive graphics, can engage people in ways that writing cannot (and especially children and young adults, which are important demographics). I made a crude prototype of a scribe-based visual storytelling about the ACE Toolkit (that will go though a number of iterations before it's anywhere complete, but...
Early prototype of the ACE Toolkit online!
Hi guys, Just wanted to let you know that I got an early prototype of the ACE Toolkit (with very limited screening and reporting functionality) up on http://resixorg.github.io/ace-toolkit/ and ready for some initial feedback. It's been designed in a responsive way, which means that it should display well on smartphones, tablets, and ordinary PCs/Macs. So try and enter the address into your smartphone and see what happens. :-) It being an early prototype means that I have a lot of future...
An alpha-version of the online ACE Toolkit available soon
Hi guys, As part of an initiative with an aim of helping prevent the spread of ACEs and building resilience through the use of technology (online, tablets and smartphones), called Resix.io , I have been working on an alpha/first version of an...
Technology ❤️ ACEs
TL;DR: Modern technology has the potential to contribute significantly to the healing, resiliency, happiness and community of people exposed to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) - and generally disrupt the way we think interpersonal support...