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Tifanie Petro

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Points: 554
Member Rank: #483

Posts By Tifanie Petro

Are you Communicating or Connecting?

We want a movement, not a moment. Imagine you are in front of a large crowd, gathered to hear your words about possibilities and hope, and there is that second in time that washes over you. For some, that second can feel like a dry mouth and a tickle creeping up in the back of your throat. Others can feel themselves rise up in that moment, excited to share their knowledge about trauma informed practices and the foundational language of change. If you have waited until this second hits you to...

Looking Mirror

Creating change was not meant for the faint of heart. Whenever you try to reach that "tipping point" people don't always tell you about the slamming doors, the resistance, or the looks of skepticism. How many of you have heard these questions: "why are you bothering? "'they' will never change...people don't change!" and probably my favorite "trauma doesn't impact me so I don't need to worry about it!" It doesn't "impact you"? I have crushed many a dream by informing them that unless they are...

Finding Your Why

"Love and compassion are necessities. Without them humanity cannot survive" - Dalai Lama When we started this fellowship...but let's be honest, they quickly become like family...we were asked about our "why". "Why" do you have a passion for helping other's understand trauma? I would be lying if I knew what it was right away. "Because it's my job?" "Because it's a new experience?" Nothing felt right. I started thinking about my family and my own journey, and the last two years of slowly...

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