Profile Information
Sacramento, CA
United States
Postal Code
What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)
University Professor and Researcher, Emeritus--Penn State, Retired--Fresno State
What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?
I have consulted with Kaiser, South Sacramento.
What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?
My interest began in 1973 while working in probation in Tucson, Arizona. I attended conferences about violence within families, conferences where Kempe/Fontana presentations discussed the impact of the battered child syndrome. While in Boston working on my PhD I was fortunate enough to attend lectures by Dr. Herman about her seminal work--Trauma and Recovery. I became immersed in the concepts of trauma induced consequences since the Viet Nam war, the womens' movement, the PTSD of sexual assault anda the movement to criminalize and treat adverse impacts. ACEs is an outgrowth of Herman's concept of connection/commonality in order to address PTSD with the ultimate goal of reconnection to the community.
I have written about these issues and the role the community has in addressing ACEs for violence in famillies, relationships, the criminal justice population, and issues with in military families under the stress of war and multiple deployments. More importantly, I comprehend the issue of prevention.
ACEs has been on ongoing interest of mine and my professional work. I was doing this before ACEs as a term was coined.