Profile Information
New Prague, MN
United States
Postal Code
What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)
Physician (Family Medicine), Maternal and Child Public Health Professional
What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?
Minnesota State University Student Health, Best Self Integrative Health
What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?
The relationship between ACE's and life course health and well-being outcomes, particularly mental health. Early identification of ACE's and maladaptive mental and behavioral responses and to reduce morbidity and mortality related to ACE's. In particular, the primary prevention of neurodevelopmental and mental health problems influenced by ACE's. Building and strengthening adult caregiver capacities to serve as competent buffers for children and communities exposed to ACE's (i.e., sensitive, supportive, responsive caregiver and secure attachment relationships).