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Vladimir Tolskiy

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Posts By Vladimir Tolskiy

Most effective way to be a mental health advocate.

For the past year I was looking for the most effective way to talk about traumatic nature of mental illness, trauma psychology, adverse childhood experience and what it does as well as my personal experience of living with the stigma of mental disability. I tried to write for a local newspaper and sent my writings to several other places. On Our Own of Maryland created a workshop where C Frazer Smith told us how be a 20th century "typewriter age" journalist. I found that writing has a very...

Chronic Pain With And Without Physical Symptoms

Recently I read a "Chronic Pain Reconsidered: A New Role for Therapists" By Dr Howard Schubiner (a retiring physician) in the September/October 2018 release of Psychotherapy Networker. https://www.psychotherapynetwo...ic-pain-reconsidered While the entire magazine is dedicated to psychedelic therapy, this article was an exception. There are many patients who suffer from chronic pain without any tissue degradation or anatomical changes. Since those patients continue going to the regular...

Maryland Needs Mental Hospital Diversionary Respites That are Staffed by Certified Peer Recovery Specialists.

From criminalization of mental illness to Mental Hospital Diversionary Respites. (An article that was not published in Baltimore Sun.) Almost 55 years had passed since President John F. Kennedy signed Community Mental Health Act into a law. This act provided funding to open 1500 Community Mental Health Centers and allowed the states to close many of the large mental institutions where people with serious mental health problems were warehoused. This Act also lead to adoption of Medicaid in...

Another Victim of the Public Education System.

Early in the morning, probably as I pass through my last rapid eye movement cycle, I often suffer paralysis dreams. Those dreams predetermine my day since after them I awaken with a very painful lower abdomen and colon spasm that may last for several hours. The nightmares that I see during this strange time in my sleep, early in the morning, are usually related to being in school. There are three types of dreams: I am either in elementary school in Russia and our teacher is insulting me in...

Detention of Immigrant Children and Dr Clancy D. McKenzie

When I heard of the news about the brutal separation policy that was enacted at the border and approved by Trump's Attorney General, I was finishing a book titled "Babies Need Mothers" by Dr. Clancy D. McKenzie. In his book, Doctor McKenzie outlines a theory that connects schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder and many other mental disorders with a history of the early childhood trauma, specifically with trauma that is caused by separation of an infant from his or her mother.

Linguistic Determinism And Mental Health Advocacy

As a mental health advocate, I find it very difficult to explain to my Russian - speaking family what exactly I am doing. Aside from all the pressure that I am dealing with because I am unable to earn a livable wage with my writing, I also have a difficulty translating some of the themes that I am writing about without stigmatizing myself and other members of the mental health community. This could probably make a good TED talk subject and there will be a day when I will run my mouth on...

ACE And Opportunities That Computer Technology Creates

In a recent article "Technology and ACEs Prevention: How We Upgrade Our Vital Work", Gregory Sherrow brought our attention to the possibilities that computer technology, artificial intelligence and computer visualization could help people recover from childhood trauma. There were many ideas proposed, some are fascinating while other are controversial and even disturbing. Personally, I never enjoyed video games. One of my friends have told me that there is a virtual community that uses all...

The works of Alejandro Jodorowsky

I showed this film to several very traumatized people that are trying to recover. All of those who are no justifying their attachments to things that traumatized them and are ready to let go of them, usually relate to the story. Those who are not ready to let go usually find it as another unsettling horror movie.

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