Profile Information
Louisville, KY
United States
Postal Code
What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)
I am a Sociologist working on gathering research about The Lack of Connectedness in the Black and Brown Communities due to ACE's and Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome as well the Lack of Resources and Opportunities
What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?
I currently work at Simmons College of Kentucky 107th HBCU until I open my own business.
What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?
The Lack of Connectedness in the Black and Brown Communities due to ACE's and Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome as well the Lack of Resources and Opportunities. As well as Trauma healing.
If you're part of a community-based PACEs initiative, which one?
Not sure.