Michael Haselden posted:Hi Roger, I'm really interested in the Alternatives to Violence Project and note that there are a number of projects, and many workshops, springing up in various regions of the UK which is where I'm based. The crossover of specialist and peer support in accessible, affirming format fits with the self-healing, trauma-informed communities theme that is building here. Forgive me please but I couldn't easily find your blog. May you send me a link?
Beth: the COAT programme sounds very powerful and I saw in the evaluation that Wicomico has achieved a huge decrease in drug and alcohol related deaths. I will highlight this among our group.
Thank you both!
Hi Michael. the ACEs Blog is here: https://pacesconnection.crowdstack.io...nt-an-answer-to-aces I am working on the next two posts currently, which I think you will want to see as they lay out the how and why of how AVP works. My NGO website is here: https://www.projectsforacivilsociety.org/ Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/AVPSeattle/ and email for one on one: rkluck@projectsforacivilsociety.org .